13: We're With You

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The gang rushed to Odin's side and saw Frigga crying as she held his hand. "Father, are you alright?", Thor asked. "Is he okay?", Celeste asked. "He tried to save me..but..he got stabbed in the shoulder", Frigga cried. "Oh no...", Thor mumbled. Thats when Celeste realized she had to fix it. Just like she did with Loki. She didnt know what she did to fix it, but had to try. She went up to Odin and took a deep breath. She could do this. She put her hand over Odin and everyone asked what she is doing. "Trust her, she has this", Loki said. Everyone wondered what he meant and decided she could continue. Celeste took a deep breath and focused hard. She tried to imagine the light and when she did, she felt heat coming from her hands. Everyone was shocked to see a small red flame came from Celeste's hand. It slowly grew and it went to Odin's wound. "Oh my god...", Thor mumbled. Odin gasped and began feeling better by the minute. Frigga moved his shirt and her eyes widened to see his wound close up. "T..thats amazing, how did you do that?", she asked. "What was that?", Thor asked. Suddenly Odin coughed and he slowly sat up. "Odin!", Frigga said in happiness. "I healed him..somehow. I dont know, butI just did", Celeste said. Odin looked at Celeste and looked relieved. "Celeste...my dear..you realized your powers", Odin said as he grabbed her shoulder. "What do you mean by that? Did you know she had these powers?", Sif asked. "Like I said before, she inherrited her fathers powers. So she learned to heal my wound, a power her father has", Odin said. Everyone is shocked and said Celeste was amazing. "She is quiet amazing actually", Loki mumbled. Everyone heard him and looked at Loki. "What do you mean?...", Sif asked in shock. Loki blushed and cleared his throat, then walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder. "Well..she is..if I may say..badass. She took down a frost giant all by herself and killed it". As Loki finished, he had grabbed Celeste's hand.

 As Loki finished, he had grabbed Celeste's hand

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Celeste realized his hand and blushed. "Is that true? Have you finally figured out your powers?", Volstagg asked. "Show us!", Fandral said cheerfully. "Slow down, she must be drained. She did just fight and healed Odin. She must be tired", Hogun said. They knew he was right and calmed down. Thor noticed Loki holding her hand and got jealous. He put on a smiled and went up to Celeste, getting inbetween her and Loki, making their hands depart.

"We dont know if the frost giants will come back. So we must be ready. We need to help Celeste get stronger than ever and we must train more. We need to be ready to take them down. Plus...we know they have Celeste's mother. We need to get her back". Thor grabbed Celeste's hands and smiled. "I promise you, I wont let them hurt her. We will save her and bring her back safetly". Celeste smiled but Odin sighed and interrupted them. "I cannot let you do such a thing if it means getting you killed. You have seen what has happened here today and I will not let my son and people die!". Everyone is shocked and feel sad. "Plus...we still have things to do. We need to rebuild the castle and homes. Plus...we need to find this traitor that sold us out. They will be sent to prison and be judged". When Odin said that, Loki was shocked. Celeste said she wouldnt say anything, but felt scared someone would find out. "All I need to do is train. If I focus on my powers, then I can fight. I will have my friends with me, fighting beside me. They will protect me, and I shall do the same. Asgard has shown me so much care and love, and protecting its people and my friends are very important. When im with them, we are a team. We can do anything together", Celeste encouraged. Now having these powers, she felt like she could do anything to protect her friends and to fight off danger. "Its a no Thor, listen to your father and Im sorry Celeste. I know you mean well, but we cannot afford to loose you. We're gonna have to think of something....", Frigga said, but was cut off. "I wont let my mother just rot there. I wont let them torture her and hurt her. I wanna save my mother and if you wont let me, I will go anyways. I will find a way there and bring her back, alone or not!". Frigga was shocked and so was everyone else.

 Frigga was shocked and so was everyone else

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Thor and Loki were mostly amazed by Celeste. When they first saw her, she was nothing but a scared and weird human, now...she is brave and strong. She was willing to protect Asgard and its people with her own power. She was what a real King would be. Odin sighed as he thought to himself. He thought it was his responsibility to care for his friends daughter. He didnt want her to get hurt, but...then again...she was so determined. He smiled and laughed. "You are just like your father", he said. Celeste's eyes widened and she smiled. Odin sighed and said, "Alright...you can go. Just..dont leave until three days. You better get your energy back before you leave and hurry to teach Celeste to control her powers. She needs to be ready for this fight. So you all better come back safe". Celeste's eyes widen in joy and the others were amazed by how Odin said yes. Thor smiled and hugged his father. "Thank you". "Yes my son, just dont let me change my mind". Frigga got worried, but knew that she had to trust them and Celeste that they'd come back safe. "Im going with you. You will need as much back up as you can", Sif said. "Same here!", Volstagg said. "Im with you", Fandral said. "We will follow you", Hogun and Thor said.

Celeste smiled and then she looked at Loki

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Celeste smiled and then she looked at Loki. "Loki...are you in?". Loki was shocked and he asked if she was sure she wanted him to come. She knew what he meant and smiled. "Of course silly, we need you", Celeste said. Loki blushed a bit and he said okay. Everyone cheered and knew they had to get ready. "But first can you pick up around here? The room is trashed", Odin said. The cheering stopped and they said fine. As everyone picked up pieces of the castle, they made walk ways for people to walk. They had to move everything out to another area. Celeste helped the best she could. Once they finished they went to get cleaned up.


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"Father..mother..may I speak with you?", Loki asked. Odin and Frigga were shocked to Loki's look on his face. He looked hurt. "What is it son?", Odin asked. Loki knew he had to come to terms with what he was and nowhe had to hear from his parents, the truth. He would need closure. "Am I a frost giant?". The two were taken back, they didnt expect to hear that. Altjough, they felt scared to tell him because they thought Loki would hate them. "Yes...you are a frost giant. We never wanted to tell you till you were ready. But...I guess its time we tell you", Odin said. Loki awaited their response and knew this conversation would have more to it. "You Loki...we found you and took you in. I found you on Jotenhiem, as an orphan. You were innocent and I knew if I left you, then you'd die. I took you not because you were alone, but because I saw something great in you. It was something better than Thor and myself". Loki's eyes widened. What did he mean that he would be better than them? "I took you and years later...found out who's child you really were", Odin said. Loki was scared to ask, but had to know. "Whos child? So..I have another parent?", Loki asked. Odin and Frigga looked down and Odin sighed. "You are actually.. the son and rightful prince of Jotenhiem, son of Laufey".

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