7: The Unexpected

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Normal POV

"YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!". Everyone was cheering loud. They were going nuts over this fight. Celeste felt a bit scared. The fight was and looked very rough. Thor and Loki were using weapons, not their fists. Thor used his hammer and Loki used his staff. They seemed to be equally matched, Although Loki had tricks up his sleeve that Thor knew already about. He basically could tell when something was coming, but he managed to somehow fall for some illusions.

Celeste just couldnt believe her eyes

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Celeste just couldnt believe her eyes. The fight was extreme. They looked like....they were gonna kill each other. It was like...gods fighting like in those stories she read about in history. Suddenly she realized something. "THEY ARE GODS!". She felt a bit concerned, yet excited. This was so unreal, she loved fantasy and magical things. She was in a gods home and world, she couldnt believe it. Suddenly, Thor hit Loki with his hammer and he flew back. Celeste's eyes widened as blood dripped down his face. She barely even knew the boys, and she was now worried for them. She knew just after that, she couldnt just stand there and let this go any farther, she had to stop this fight. Celeste began to head down to the arena. She pushed through the crowd and went down the stairs. "Thor! Thor! Thor!". Celeste heard people cheering for Thor. She knew they would want him to finish Loki off. Once she got to the gates of the arena, she saw Loki struggling to stand. Loki glared at Thor, with his staff up, ready. Thor was holding his hammer up above him, ready to swing down. "Do you beg for mercy?", Thor asked. Loki smirked and told him to finish him. Celeste's eyes widened and her heart nearly sank. Thor was about to hit Loki, when he heard a cry behind him. "NOOOOO!". Thor looked behind him and his eyes widened, so did Loki's as Celeste was running towards him. The crowd was in shock and Thor's gang of friends got worried. "Somebody stop her, get her out of there!", Volstagg yelled. They tried to run in and save her, but they were far behind. Thor's hammer was coming closer to Loki, Celeste saw this and she suddenly went numb. Celeste's whole body started glowing. It was surrounded with red, so were her eyes. The crowd was in shock at the scene. Celeste got infront of Loki, shielding him from getting hit by the hammer.

 Celeste got infront of Loki, shielding him from getting hit by the hammer

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"AWWWH!". As the hammer hit her, there was a gust of wind, that made her fly into the wall. She made a dent in it, crushing her body. Blood spilled out her mouth and her eyes closed as she hit the ground. Dust filled the air when the stadiums brick broke from the wall. Everyone was worried, they couldnt see her because of it. "Where is she?". "Is she okay?". "What just happened?". The crowd was scared. They couldnt believe that a human just interrupted the fight, plus...she had powers! "Oh my god, is she dead?", Sif asked. "I dont know", Volstagg coughed. When the dust cleared, Thor and Loki were in shock. Celeste had been bleeding from her head and out her mouth. She had a broken air too. Thor atomatically ran to her to help her. Loki got up and followed. He was absolutely shocked, yet amazed how a human he barely even knew, would just protect him like that. Also he had noticed her powers. She had seemed interesting at that point. "Shit..she's bleeding", Sif says. Thor has a look of pain on his face. He couldn't believe he had hurt Celeste, he didnt mean to either. "Why did she just... jump out like that?", Fandral asked. "Im not sure", Sif said. "She's completely stupid if I say", Volstagg said. "Hey dont call her that. Maybe she thought Thor was trying to kill Loki", Hogun said. Thor and Loki looked at each other and nodded at each other, which they knew as they would not finish the fight. "I just hope she isn't dead", Thor said.

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