Dropping the bomb

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I couldn't look at her. My Roza. I couldn't do it. She was somehow pure and radiant, she was strong and gentle, it hurt, it hurt to look at her. She was 'with' Adrian Ivashkov, yet was fighting for me, for us. How on earth had she managed to forgive me for what I did to her in Russia? How could she simply say 'there was nothing to forgive'? She was always stubborn but that? That was risking insanity. I sighed. I still loved the woman, I always would, but I didn't deserve her, I wasn't worthy of her. I never had been.

"Dimitri, look at me!" She cried.

"I. Can't. It hurts Rose. It hurts to look at you, your purity, your innocence."

"Can it, comrade! I'm here to tell you I'm anything but! I need you, I. Need. You." I spun to see her crying. Tears were streaming down her face and she was clutching a folder- one freakishly like a medical file.


"Get over here." I slowly stood up and moved towards the bars. "Here." She handed it over and I dropped it when I read the first page.

"R-r-Roza?" I stammered out.

"Now do you get it?! Now do you get why I'm fighting so hard?"

I nodded stiffly, still completely shocked. "Does? Does Ivashkov know?"

"No. He may suspect, may, but hasn't said a word. I refuse to tell him about Russia, that I was even in Russia. Lissa knows everything about us, everything."

"Even this?" I picked up the folder and handed it back, pressing a hand against her tummy through the bars. I felt a flutter and she gasped.

"No, not this, not yet. You're the first after me and the doctors that know."

"Oh Roza. What have we done?" She truly did need me.

"We?" She shook her head. "Me. The impossible- as usual."

"No. Roza. It is we- it is plural. I'm as much involved as you. It's half my fault. I left you alone when the ghosts started."

Ugh! They were terrifying, she'd unleashed them on me. I wasn't going to doubt her anymore, but that didn't mean I now felt worthy of her. I wasn't going to leave her, push her away, when she needed me. "You're not, I repeat, you, are, not, going to go through this alone. I," I steadied my breathing, "I love you. I love you too much."


"Oh Roza, I've never been worthy of you, but I love you with all my heart. It hurts even more now, your beauty, your love, how much I love you."

"Oh, shut up!" She playfully teased.

"Your wish is my command." I returned the playful nature and childishly 'zipped-up' my mouth. She laughed and it was like angel's singing, I smiled one of the full ones her antics always tried to bring out. Her breath caught. "Oh comrade! Do you know how I lived for those smiles?"

I 'unzipped' my mouth and responded with "do you know how hard it was to keep them from you?" It had been bloody hard.

"Will you? Will you unleash them more often?" She looked pointedly at her tummy. "Here" she grabbed my hands and placed them against her tummy.

"Now, do it again!" She squealed. I did out of instinct- a natural reaction to anything that made her happy, and this time my breath caught. I had felt another flutter, but this was strong and power filled. I looked into Rose's eyes, asking 'Bubby knows I'm Daddy already?'

With a smile, lone tear, and a nod, she answered "yes, and we'll get you home."

"Thank you." I grabbed her hands and kissed them. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Come Rose" Mikhail came from behind and grabbed her wrist. "We need to go."

I didn't notice I was staring at it accusingly until she slightly shook her head. Was I really that jealous?

"Settle comrade!" She giggled. "Just another brother." She elbowed him in the ribs.

He let her go and guided her out with a hand on her upper back.

I had one thing to change. Reverse- I had to only allow my Roza in, Lissa couldn't be allowed in, unless accompanied by Rose.

"Guards?!" I called.

"Yes Belikov?" One I recognised as- was that Emil?

"Emil. I need to change my request regarding Rose."


"Emil." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I only want Rose. Lissa can only come in if accompanied by Rose. Certainly no Tasha Ozera. No one else. Just Rose." Rose and our baby. Our impossible baby.

"Is it true? The two of you? Back at the academy?"

I sighed. "I don't deserve her. I was never worthy. But, she's the only one, the only one who truly understands what it was, I was, like."

"She tried to hunt you?"

"And hesitated when she found me. I still don't know what's the worst part of the following week. She almost killed me- just barely missed. Just like her, I shouldn't be alive. I'm a fool to keep her out. Especially with who's joining us. She needs me, they do. I need her, I need them."

"Them? Belikov? And who's joining you?"

"Did no one check the file she brought in?" I let a trace of humour show. "You all know what she's capable of." I shook my head. "That held a bombshell in it."

"Did you just joke Belikov?"

"Yes. Anyway. 'They' are my soul mate and our baby."

"Not possible. Surely it's Ivashkov's."

"No. It's mine. The DNA tests proved it. The timing is right too. That, and I know her well enough to know she doesn't have it in her to truly be with Ivashkov."

God only knows what's happening to her, what she's gone through alone. Never again, never again.

"Hmmm. We've notified Lissa of the new arrangement. She's pissed." One of the other guards spoke.

"Let her be. Rose needs access to me, Lissa doesn't."

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