Chapter Two - tf am I?

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Liv's POV
I woke up with my hand in someone else's. tf am I?Omg. Did I sleep with someone at work!?! I open my eyes fully to see a dark haired beauty laying beside me, our fingers intertwined. Well, if anything did happen, at least there's no regrets.

-Daria begins to stir.-

"Mornin' D." I say quietly, as she just woke up.

*Yawns* "Hey, Gionna, you alright?" she asks me.

"Even better now that I'm beside you." I respond smooth as hell.

"Aww, G why you gotta be so cute all the goddamn time?" She whines.

"I don't know. You bring out the cute in me." Another smooth response from me.

"Well in that case," She says, leaning in.

I look Daria dead in the eye. Our lips connect forming a soft, but passionate kiss. We separate within a matter of seconds and I only had one thing to say.

"Wow." I say not so smoothly.

"D-Did you like it?" Daria stutters.

"Of course I did." I say, throwing my arms around her.

"You wanna grab food?" She asks.

"Yeah, who knew being alive was so much effort?!" I question, hella loudly.

Daria heads in to get her shower first so I go on twitter.

You'll see me soon.
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I set my phone down as I hear Daria shouting.

"G, can you pass me my black jeans?" She squeals over the sound of the water.

"Yup." I squeal back.

I walk over to her suitcase and grab the jeans. I took a while. I head over to the bathroom, and I knock the door.

"Come in." Daria says softly.

I walk in to see a half dressed Daria and I can't help but stare. She's so perfect. Her legs, her stomach, her arms, everything.

I hand her jeans, and to my surprise, I get a hug.

"Thanks, Gionna." She whispers.

"No sweat, Daria." I say in response.

Once Daria's out of the bathroom, I head in and grab a shower, trying to be as quick as I can. I hop out of the shower, get dried and head out to Daria.

"D, can I borrow a hairbrush pleaseeee?" I almost beg.

"Sure." She passes me the brush.

"Thank youuu." I drag on.

"No problem, G." She replied smoothly.

I brush my hair and tie it back loosely, trying to look somewhat decent.

"You ready?" I ask Daria.

"Yup. Are you?" She asks back.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say, kinda nervously.

We head out to the car and we drive to some place that does breakfast. When you don't know your way around, sometimes you have to resort to McDonalds.

"So what ya gettin'? I'm buying so get what you want." Daria states.

"Aww no fair!" I whine like a kid.

"You can buy next time, Livvy." She says soothingly.

"Okay." I cooed.

We ordered our food and brought it back to our table.

"Gionna," Daria begins.

"Hm?" I say.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks, ger voice shaking.

"Of course, D." I reply, trying to calm her down.

"Right, so I know a McDonalds isn't the ideal place to do this, but, Gionna, will you be my girlfriend?" Daria asks with much more confidence.

"Aww, Daria, of course I will!" I squeal while throwing my arms around her.

"What if there's fans here?" I ask.

"Too bad." She says, connecting our lips.

I've wanted this for so long, and now I finally have it.

I updateddddd! So what do yall think of the chapter? I woke up a lot a bit early so I updatedddd. I might update again today, idk maaaaaan.
~ Lili x


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