Chapter Six Point Five - I Got Answers

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Liv's POV

So I'm outside the gym showers, fully clothed and I'm starting to wonder why Daria was in there for so long.

"D? Are you okay?" I call in an almost whisper-yell, I scream in a ring, not in a public facility.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, G, I'm fine. I'll be out in a sec!" She stutters, strange..

-Guess what? It's a time skip because I cba-

Sonya's POV
As I step out of the showers, I'm greeted with the fresh-faced beauty I call my girlfriend, God she's stunning.

"You ready to go to the arcade?" I ask her.

"Yes! Let's goooo!" She drags on.

As we walk out to the car, I feel a light tug on my jacket, almost as if a breeze was brushing past. I turn my head to see a very beautiful face abnormaly close to my own.

So what did I do?
I kissed her in the parking lot. How professional.

She pulls away.

'Daria; you know I love you, but we can't risk people finding out about us yet. ' she almost whispers, sounding upset.

'Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put us at risk like that.' I apologise.

'It's okay, you goof.' she chuckles, clinging to my arm.

We get into the car, I'm driving.

to be continueddd


~ lili 🥟

she's mine. {sonya deville x liv morgan}Where stories live. Discover now