Chapter Five - A Train Of Thought

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Sonya's POV
So Liv and I are headed to the gym, but we don't exactly know what we're going to do. Maybe liff a few weights? I don't know. I guess we'll sort that later.

-Time Skip bc I'm a lazy bitch-

We arrive at the gym and bruh, Liv looks hot. Not like the fuckgirl kind of hot, but like that girl who lives on the next block over who you don't know how to talk to. Like that.

"Baaaaabe," I hear her groan.

"Yes, G?" I ask her in an *-•~Amazing~•-* British accent.

"I can't be arsed." She states bluntly.

"Gionna, I really can't either, but if we work out for a while, we can head back and go to the arcade. Deal?" I try to reason.

"Fineeee, but only if I can be on this week's Damandy's Donuts." She drags on.

"Okay, now hurry up and get some cardio in, I wanna play Pac-Man!" I squeal.

Liv's POV

So Daria and I have been working out for the past 15 minutes, mind you it would only have been 2 if she didn't persuade me otherwise. However, in that time I have came up with an elaborate plan to make her buy lunch after the arcade, I call it the 'Mai Me Tang Ka Situation', translating into 'I'm broke.' I know, I'm great at this.

-Another damn time skip-

"Babe, are you finished?" I ask my darling girlfriend after completing some cardio.

"Yeah, I'm gonna grab a shower, arcade after?" She responds.

"Yup!" I exclaim like an eight-year-old who just won a royal rumble on 2K19.

We start heading back to the changing rooms to grab showers and what not, but once again, my eyes begin to wander to brunette infront of me. I can't help it! Anyone who even attempts to tell me that she isn't the most perfect human being on the face of the planet can kindly go dig a ditch and lay there with no cell service, because quite frankly, you would be wrong.

After a solid two minutes of daydreaming about my girlfriend, I manage to revert my eyes to the showers, where I should have been two minutes ago. Procrastination Level 100 right there.

Sonya's POV

So I'm going to start a new train of thought, Shower Thoughts with Sonya. Episode One:
So Liv and I started dating a little while ago, which makes me wonder, is Liv out and proud or in the closet? I guess that's a question for another day...

So. im tired lmao.

from your neighborhood gay, lili x

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