Chapter Three - I Love You

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Daria's POV
Today has been great. I asked Gionna out, Gionna said yes, it's great! I wanna surprise her a little tonight though, nothing like THAT but something nice. Cute, if you will.

I grab Gionna's hand and walk her to the car, it starts to rain.

"Ughhh it's raining!" Gionna complained like a 3 year old, she's so cute!

"Here, take this." I say handing her my jacket.

"Thanks, D!" She says, throwing her arms around me, so I scoop her up and carry her. "Daria! Stop being cuteee!"

"Says the cute one." I reply, unlocking the car as I do.

I set Gionna in the passenger seat of the car, making sure I don't hurt her in any way.
I get in the car & put the key in the ignition.

"Y-You wanna head back to mine? Y-You can stay th-the night if you want." Gionna stutters out, turning red in the face.

"Of course! Are you okay though, you've gone pretty flush again." I panic a little, okay?

"Oh! I'm fine, really. I just didn't want to seem like I was moving too fast." She replies in a nervous tone.

"Aww, G, it's fine." I say, grabbing her hand.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent, but it was comfortable silence.


We arrive at the hotel, and like the gentlewoman I am, I held the door for Gionna.

"Ooh, thank you!" She exclaims.

We head into the hotel lobby so G can check into her room.

"Hi! Do you have a room, sweetheart?" Some guy at the desk asked Gionna.

"Erm, hi! Yes, room for Gionna Daddio?" I hear her say awkwardly, so imma do something weird.

"Soon to be Berenato." I say pretty bluntly.

"Oh, are you on a bachelorette?" He asks.

"Erm... no, Daria's my girlfriend." Gionna hesitated, I squeeze her hand in support.

"Oh. Well that's the key I guess." The dumb prick said in a stereotypical 'gay' voice.

"I swear to god if you even DARE to speak to my girlfriend like that you won't be here much longer!" I threaten the bastard. Gionna cuddling into my arm.

I take Gionna's key & grab the bags before heading to her room.

"Daria, what was that for?" She asks softly.

"I'm sorry, Livvy, I got all defensive, I couldn't stand that homophobic prick." I say apologetically.

"It's okay, D. Can I tell you something?" She asks me in a sweet tone.

"Of course." I reply.

"I love you, Daria." she says, snuggling into my chest.

"Aw, Livvy, I love you too." I coo, kissing her forehead.

She sits up, planting her own lips on mine. It was perfect. It was soft, slow. We pull away after a minute.

"I love you, Gionna."


So. I updated. I kinda rushed this just cuz I wanted to get something out for the few people who actually read this. What should I do with Gionna and Daria? Leave a comment plz. (pLz Im DeSpErAtE)


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