Chapter Seven Point Five - The Aftermath

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Daria's POV

As we're getting ready to head out, a familiar ringing fills the room; Gionna's phone was ringing.

"Who is it, baby?"

"Vince." She replies, her voice shaky.

"Put him on speaker?"


I watch as Gionna presses the answer button, hitting the speaker button directly after.

"Is this Gionna?"

"Yes, Sir. It's me."

"I think we need to talk about that tweet. You know how we support the LGBTQ+ community at the company, but posting something so... suggestive or controversial... to such a huge media platform without getting a 'go ahead' from the higher-ups is a major no-go." His tone is serious and cold, he wasn't fooling around.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. McMahon, I swear on my pig's life that nothing like this will happen again."

"I'd like to think so, Miss Daddio. One last question, however. Is it true?"

There's a moment's silence before Gionna talks again. It's suffocating.

"Yes. It is."

"We'll discuss what will happen in terms of your contract on Friday. Be at the venue for 4:30pm and no later."

"Yes, Sir."

Three beeps are heard, showing that the call is over.

"G... I'm so sorry..." I whisper as Gionna collapses into me, cuddling into my chest while quietly sobbing, tears staining my shirt.

I really fucked up here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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