Chapter 36:Dirty Little Secret!

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Okay so last time Hibari went to the Warlord's beach house and confronted Patrick so she could see Tenma. Hibari was able to knock some sense into Tenma and she now plans on visiting him as much as she can! Although will the other girls start to notice her sudden disappearances?
Hikage was starting to get suspicious of Hibari recently, the clover eyed girl seems to disappear for hours on end each day and then returns as if she never left. "What is she up to?" Hikage thought to herself as she once again watched the pink haired girl sneak away yet again. Hikage decided her best bet would be to aske Yagyuu, since she was Hibari's closest friend after all. "Hey Yagyuu, do you know why Hibari's been sneaking off this entire week?" Hikage asked the white haired girl as she walked up to her. "No, but it has me worried. Hibari can take care of herself, but she's never been one to keep secrets from me or the other girls." Yagyu explained as she had a worried look on her face.
                 Hikage's expression hardened as she also began to think about the situation that their dealing with. "Why don't we follow her? Figure out what's she's being so sneaky about." Hikage suggested as Yagyu gave her a surprised look. "All of us? I think Hibari would notice if nineteen people where following her, Shinobi or not!" Yagyu said as she gave Hikage an unamused look. "That's why it's only going to be me and you following her. She won't notice something is up if there's just two of us." Hikage said as she waited for Yagyu to answer her. Yagyu sighed in frustration before finally deciding to give Hikage her answer. "Fine, but we're just spying right?" Yagyu asked as Hikage nodded in response.
Hibari once again made her way to the Warlord's beach house as she was going to visit Tenma once again. Hibari has slowly, but surly getting Tenma to stop completely destroying himself during his training. Although Hibari was still worried about her boyfriend, he still was overworking himself to and unhealthily degree. "Baby steps I suppose." Hibari mumbles to herself as the beach house finally comes into view. "Oi lass! Good to see ya back again! So how are ya planning to get that Staticky git to slow down today?" Patrick asked as he approached the clover eyed girl with a smile on his face.
Hikage dug her nails into the tree as she overheard the conversation between Patrick and Hibari. "That little bitch!" Hikage whisper growled to herself as she glared at Hibari from her place in the forest. Yagyu on the other hand felt a bit hurt that her best friend wouldn't tell her that she was visiting their boyfriend. "Why wouldn't she tell us?" Yagyu whispered to herself with a hurt tone in her voice. Hikage and Yagyu noticed the two beginning to walk towards the beach house. "I swear when I get my hands on her!" Hikage once again whisper growled as she and Yagyu continued to follow them. "I'm sure she had a good reason for this." Yagyu said in hopes of defending her friend even though she was still hurt.
Tenma was standing across from Yakaen as he held Kasharashi and Yakaen held Yokatta. "Ready?" Kyohari asked as both Shinobi transformed and deepened their battle stance. "Begin!" Kyohari shouted as Tenma and Yakaen shot towards each other. Tenma's blade connected with Yakaen's Naginata's pole. "So Tenma have you improved at all from your days up on that mountain?" Yakaen asked his teammate as he got a laugh in response. "Glad to see getting jumped by that Yoma didn't wound your pride to badly Yakaen!" Tenma said with a laugh as he knocked away Yakaen's weapon before summoning a lightning Buzzsaw.
                Tenma then threw the Buzzsaw at Yakaen before jumping backwards, but Yakaen simply slashed the disc of lightning in half. "Well done Tenma, but you know it will take more then that to defeat me!" Yakaen said as he jumped up into the air and swung his Naginata down on Tenma's head. Tenma raised Kasharashi and blocked the attack before grabbing the staff part of Yakaen's weapon. "Shocking Assault!" Tenma shouted as electricity travelled up Yakaen's weapon and electrocuted him. Yakaen was sent flying back as Tenma still held onto his weapon.
Tenma then threw the weapon behind him as it stuck into the ground before turning to face Yakaen. "Not bad Tenma, you have definitely improved over the years. Your performance is a far cry from when you first joined the Warlords." Yakaen said as he stood back up and got ready to fight once again. "Fire Style Burning Cannon!" Yakaen shouted as he cupped his hand around his mouth before unleashing a giant flame beam from his mouth. Tenma cut the beam of fire in half as it harmlessly shot out on either side of him. Once the attack was finished Tenma barely had any time to react before Yakaen was right in front of him. Tenma swung his sword at Yakaen once again.
                "Fire Style Ignited Palms!" Yakaen shouted as his hands glowed with white hot fire. Yakaen grabbed Kasharashi's blade before it could cut him, since his hands were ignited this caused the sword to start and heat up as well. "Hot!" Tenma shouted as he dropped his sword and looked at his now burned through hand coverings. Yakaen then kicked Tenma in the head before retrieving his weapon. "Now then shall we continue?" Yakaen asked as he pointed his Naginata at Tenma. "Fire Style Star Bomber!" Yakaen announced as a star shaped inferno formed in his hand. Yakaen launched the inferno at Tenma who rolled out of the way before grabbing Kasharashi.
                 "Okay enough games! You and me Yakaen, let's go all out!" Tenma shouted as he he jumped into the air. "Ultimate Ninja Art Thunderbird's Lightning Wing!" Tenma shouted as the bird made of lightning formed around him and let out a triumphant screech. Yakaen smiled before preparing his own attack to counter Tenma's. "Ultimate Ninja Art Tiger's Prideful Inferno!" Yakaen shouted as a giant tiger made out of fire surrounds his body and lets out a commanding roar. Tenma's Thunderbird let out another screech before diving towards Yakaen's tiger. Yakaen's tiger jumped into the air and bit down on the Thunderbird's neck and slamming it into the ground.
              In an instant the Thunderbird dissipates along with the Fire tiger as Tenma lies on the ground smoke coming off of his entire body. His Shinobi outfit is riddled with holes due to the intense fire as Yakaen stands over him unharmed. "Ow, damn I'm still not even close to being able to hold my own against you Yakaen!" Tenma said as he laughed while flipping himself over. "You did well Tenma, I still have a few more years of experience then you. As far as I'm concerned you did just fine!" Yakaen said as he undid his transformation before offering his hand to his teammate.
              Tenma smiled and took Yakaen's hand as the Fire Shinobi pulled him to his feet and patted him on the back. "Tenma that was amazing!" Tenma was quickly pulled into a hug by Hibari who buried her face in his chest. "Thanks bunny rabbit." Tenma said as he planted a kiss on her forehead. Tenma undid his transformation and was dressed in his swim trunks and floral shirt once again. "So this is where you've been running off to this entire week?" An angry voice said out of the blue as the group turned to see Hikage and Yagyu standing there with annoyed expressions on their faces.
             "Y-Yagyu? H-Hikage? W-What are you guys doing here?" Hibari asked nervously as she struggled to make eye contact with her two friends. "You've got a lot of nerve Hibari! You sneak off to see our boyfriend and don't even tell us?!" Hikage shouted at Hibari as she cowered in fear. "Also you girls didn't even tell us?! I thought we were close!" Yagyu said as she glared at the New Wave girls. "Okay stop! Shikawa invited the New Wave girls, but made them promise not to tell any of you! Also I gave Hibari permission to come visit me, so would you two back off!" Tenma shouted as he glared at the two girls chasing them to flinch.
"T-Tenma w-we missed you! Please just let talk about this." Hikage begged as she gave Tenma a pleading look. "I'm not ready to face any of you, just please leave me alone! I need time." Tenma said as he turned to walk inside the beach house. "T-Tenma please just hold on a second!" Yagyu said as she tried to stop him from entering the house. Tenma quickly pulled the door open and slammed it shut behind him. "I think it would be best if the two of you leave." Yakaen said in a threatening tone as he pointed Yokatta at Hikage and Yagyu. "Now hold on one second!" Hikage shouted as she stomped forward, but was stopped by an axe blade being held to her throat.
"That is quite enough out of you Miss Hikage. I may be a gentleman, but that doesn't mean I will hesitate to take you down if you keep harassing my teammate like this." Ishibura said in a low tone as he gently pressed the blade against her throat. "Let's just go Hikage, we don't stand a chance against them." Yagyu said in a defeated tone as she and Hikage turned around and walked away. "I think it would be best if you stay with us Hibari, if you go back your friends are sure to harass you." Yakaen said as Hibari nodded and the entire group entered the beach house to check on Tenma.

Okay so Tenma just had to confront Hikage and Yagyu! Also we got a peek at Yakaen's power! Although what dangers are lurking in the shadows? Also I would like to give a shout out to MrSechaLair who has made fan art of Tenma, Shikawa, and Ishibura. There is a link to his deviantart on my Conversation page, go check him out! Anyway what challenges await Tenma next? Find out next time on Senran Kagura:Thunderbird!

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