Chapter one: New in town

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Wades pov { Yellow} [ White]

I hate changing schools. America is not as cool in real life as it is in movies. I've been here for about a year and I hate it. I'm looking around for the kid that's suppose to be showing me around. All I learned was he's a nerd who's doing this for fun and his name is Peter Parker.

{ Petey pie} yellow sings.

[ Don't sing ever again yellow you suck]

I see a guy wearing nerdy glasses. He's also wearing a cropped sweater that exposes his abs and oh god do I want to lick them. That's weird but I really want to. He notices me staring and comes over.

[ Come on Wade get it together we are a danger to everyone around us ]

{ Oh come one White a hook up could never hurt }

" Hi I'm Peter Parker." He says offering his hand I accept it. The handshake was firm and he kept eye contact. It brought me out of my thoughts. " Wade Wilson." I introduce myself.

He's so beautiful and I'm ugly. I'm wearing a large red sweatshirt I have the hood over my head. Hiding my face. He's so small compared to me. So skinny and short. I'm towering over him. I want to break him.

{ Size kink}

[ So small we could break him if we tried emotionally or physically]

" I'm suppose to be showing you around." He says softly. His face is a bright red. My eyes dust his midriff again. I lick my lips.

{ God we could just eat him up}

" Eyes up here." I hear him tease. I feel my face heat up. He grabs my arm. " Let's go slow poke." I nod following.

After the tour he brings me to a classroom.
" This will be our home room there's only a few minutes left so we can wait out here." He informs me.

" O-ok." I stutter. He smiles at me and the bell goes off. We make our separate ways. I hope I have more classes with him then just homeroom.

[ We haven't stuttered in years come on get it together]

I'm sitting in my math class all alone. I see a guy eyeing me up and down . He notices I noticed him.

[ He wants to get a quick look at the monster]

{ Scar faced freak}

" I'm Ned." He introduces himself quickly. I nod slowly.

" I'm just wondering why your in a junior math your obviously a senior." He says his thoughts out loud.

{Because we are fucking idiot who lusts for blood}

[Never tried since we switch homes often]

" Oh I failed my math class in my last school."
I respond. He nods quickly. " I have a friend who would tutor you." He says happily. I perk up at that. I do need a tutor also they could a friend since I'm new here. The guy quickly writes down a number.

[ It's a trick not trust worthy]

" Can I ask about the scars." He asks carefully. I shake my head. He nods and hands me the slips of paper. I put the number in my phone.

[ We Don't  deserve these scars he did!]

{ Good thing we killed him}

I hate when they mention my accident.

" What's his name?"

" Peter Parker."

The guy who gave me a tour. The cute guy who I want to pin to a wall and fuck senseless then treat him like a princess. Buy him presents and take care of him when he's sick. I've literally known him for like an hour but I'm heads over heels for him.

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