Chapter 8: broken.

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ there will be death and Wade splits personalities⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Peters pov

I wake up to a loud thud. I sit up quickly. I look around my room. Last thing I remember was being shot. How did I get home? The pain is at a dull roar but still there.

"How fucking dare you! We could of killed them that night." Wade screams.

"That's why Wade because you can't think straight when it comes to them!" I hear Matt yell back.

I get up and leave my room. I enter the living room. Wade is standing there he's obviously furious. Matt looks upset but is standing defensively. I then see why.

" Wade put the gun down." I snap. Wade looks towards me. " They are back and he kept that from me." Wade cries out. I look toward Matt confused.

" They are going to take me back!" Wade whimpers. His voice gets deeper. " [ NO, I won't go back. Please don't let them take us back.]"

"{ Kill then all!}" his voice is higher and has a crazed tone.

His voices are showing themselves. I think about what Wade has told me about them. The higher voice is Yellow a crazed maniac then White who is passive and quiet but very violent.

" Yes we'll kill them all." He mumbles. " { yes torture them like they did you.}" Yellow pipes up.

Matt looks at me with concern. I shake my head slightly. Wade right now is more dangerous than he is normally. "[ What if he is there]" White whimpers.

" He can't be! I killed him." Wade wails. I step closer. I hate seeing him like this. Wade looks towards me eyes widen. "{ He can hear us. Wow you really are crazy}" Yellow torments.
"[ paranoid freak let his emotions get the best of him. You hear us don't you Pete?]" White speaks lightly.

I nod. Wade cackles. Possibly the boxes. He steps closer to me. He leans in very closer his lips dusting over my ear. "[ Run little boy run]" White whispers dangerously.

Wade rears backwards. He looks terrified. Matt has his cane in his hand. I know Matt will hurt Wade. " Come back to me Red." I tell him and offer my hand.

" I'm broken into 3 pieces." He whispers horrified. I shake my head. " Your not broken you just have some extra pieces." I tell him gently. He shakes his head. " I got to put my self back together."

"{ Look he's going to do it.}"

"[ Come on freak go ahead and kill yourself. Get it over with you'll never be good enough for him. He sees right through you know. He's heard us and he's going to-.]" the horrible voice is cut off with a loud bang. Wades body collapses to the ground.

I collapse next to him. I rest my head on his chest. I hear the most horrific scream it took me a few moments to realize it was me who screamed. Matt's hand rest on my shoulder while I cry into Wades chest.

" Hey buddy go take a shower I'll clean out the wound it'll take a few hours for him to wake up." Matt tells me gently .

I nod slowly and drag myself to my bathroom. I turn the water heat all the way up. I let the hot pelts pound on back. All I felt was numbness. I couldn't save him. If he doesn't come back it's my fault. I finally step out of my shower. I throw on a shirt and sweatpants.

I walk into the living room. Wade was laying on the couch lifeless. I feel the tears returning to my eyes. I go to the couch and lift him. I being him to my room. " Come back to me Red." I whisper to him and lay next to him.


I wake up to check on Wade. He's not here I get up quickly. " Wade!" I cry out. I hear footsteps rush in. The door is forced open. The sight of Wade in a Spiderman sweatshirt and jeans calms me down. " Baby boy why aren't you laying down you were shot." He scolds. I sit on the bed. He leaves the room and comes back with chocolate chip pancakes.

" I made these. The other pancakes in the kitchen were made by Bucky. They aren't as good as mine though." Wade tells me proudly.

" Hmmm I need proof." I tease. Wade storms off. He comes back in with another plate of pancakes. I eat the new plate first. They are pretty good. I then cut into Wade pancakes and eat the small piece. It practically melts in my mouth. It's like heaven on a plate. I quickly eat all of the pancakes Wade made me savoring every bite.

" Told you mine were better." Wade boasts. I nod swallowing the last piece. " Never doubt you again." I mummer. He kisses the top of my head. " Rest now." He tells me I nod slowly and lay down. Wade walks off with the plate as I slowly drift off.

Wade pov.

I stop outside Peters room. " Sorry baby boy." I whisper. I may or may not have drugged the pancakes. He needs rest so I'm helping him out. Also I have some people to kill.

[ Come on Wade we need to end this now]

{ Kill those sick bastards they tried to hurt Peter.}

I quickly pull my suit on and get my weapons ready. I'm about to leave when Matt appears in front of me. He suited up. " I can't let you do this Wade." He tells me. I pull out a cloth and hold it against his mouth. He struggles against me for a few moments till he finally stops. I step over his body.

[ Don't challenge us next time we have chloroform]

{ Sorry Matty}

" sorry Matt but I have an appointment I can't miss."

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