Chapter 6: Waifu

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Peters pov

I can't stop thinking about photography class with Wade. He's in love with someone. Who could it be. He did kiss Mj maybe it's Ned they get along. " Hey kid I could hear you thinking from a mile away what's up." I hear Matt greet. I know it's a joke but I wouldn't be surprise if it was true. " Wade."

" Who's that?" Matt asks curiously. I swear I hear a teasing undertone. I forgot Matt doesn't know Deadpool's secret identity. " The guy I'm interested in." I reply.

" Well I'm not great with advice." Matt grumbles and runs the back of his neck. I look at the street below us. It was still busy despite it being 11 p.m. " I do know where he lives though." Matt finishes. I look towards him quickly. " W-What..?" I stutter.

" While you were going out your little girlfriend Wade and I were getting to know each other outside the masks."  I feel a pang of jealousy. Matt holds up his hand. " Calm down Webs and lets go." D shouts and runs off.

Wades pov

" Stop your moping dumbass. Don't you have patrol with that dumb team of yours." Logan grumbles. I frown and push my further into my couch.

[ Matty is going to be upset we didn't show up so we could go through with our plan]

{ Spidey will never love usssssssss}

I hear wolverine shuffle uncomfortably. I feel him pat my back. " I'm not good at emotions kid." He say trying to sound annoyed. " You are a good foster dad though." I respond.

" Shit I don't know how to respond to that." He groans. " I mean your the only person I haven't ran away from." I offer. I sit up and he looks mildly uncomfortable.

[ Makes sense he's not really into the whole emotion thing]

{ He does care about us probably the only one.}

I hear a knock on the door. " Thank god." I hear him mutter and go to the door. "Wolverine!" I hear a surprised voice squeak.
" Your Tony's kid what the hell are you doing here." I hear wolfie  growl.  I roll of the couch and run over. Peter is standing in front of Matt.

" Peter!" I squeal and grab his arm. Logan frowns. " Does he know." My foster father demands. " Absolutely not I would never drag a civilian into that." I lie. Peter looks confused for the briefest second. Matt nods approvingly.
" He doesn't know Logan." Matt say with authority.

I drag the team to my room. My team is my room. This is possibly the greatest day of my life. " Ok you two talk I'm out." Matt announces and leaves through the window. " Nooooo I was so close to having team red have a meeting in my room." I whine.

[ We don't need Matt we need to figure out what to do about the I'm in love with someone else situation]

{ Yea fucking stupid bitch we are only in love with Spidey waifu.}

" He's not my wife." I pout. Both boxes snort. I frown. " Who's not your wife?" Pete quips.

" You!" I blurt. He nods for a second. " Yea I guess your right the proper term is husbando."  Peters says in a carefree voice.

{ * screeching* }

[ Fuck how do we respond Wade omg what do we do]

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