Chapter 11:We will protect you

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Oof there's been a lot of angst so here is some happy stuff also maybe a warning ⚠️
Peters pov

Everything has been calm for a couple of weeks. Wade is happy and our relationship is great. We are sitting at our lunch table. I smile as he jokes with Ned. I see the new kid sitting alone. I remember bringing Wade to the table so he wouldn't be alone.

I walk over to the kid. He has grayish blonde hair and is wearing a dirty sweatshirt. He's eating chocolate and typing. " Hi I'm peter." I introduce myself. He looks up and wipes his hand on his pants and shakes my hand.

" Hey I'm Eddie." He says Softly . " We are on the school newspaper together." I inform him. He nods slowly. " Yea we are." He mumbles.

" I was wondering if you wanted to sit with my friend and I?"

" You want me to sit with you?" He seems genuinely confused.

" Yep if you don't want to that's ok." I tell him. He smiles and closes his laptop. " It would be nice to have new friends." He says to himself. I lead him to my table. Wade is frowning. " Guys this is Eddie. Eddie these out my friends Ned, and Mj and my boyfriend Wade." I Introduce everyone.

My group  say "hi" and Eddie smiles. They then go back to discussing the newest Star Wars movie. Eddie looks happy and seems to just listen.

The bell rings and everyone makes there separate ways except Eddie. " Hey Pete I need to talk to you alone." He says quietly I nod and follow him to the the bathroom.

" I need your help." He whispers. I can see he's on the verge of crying. "It's ok Eddie I can help. What's up?"

" They took him and to get him back I have to capture Spiderman." Eddie tells me. I freeze up. He looks at the floor. " I don't want to do this but I can't live without him." He whimpers. He then surges forward faster than my senses could warn me and plunges a syringe into my arm.

I can feel the drug taking over my body. The room gets fuzzy. " Get the fuck away from him!" A angry voice shouts.


Wades pov

Matt and I corner the senior who just drugged my boyfriend.  "What the fuck did you do!" I demand.  Then I turn furious to Matt. " And how did you know about this." I growl lowly.

[ He was apart of this we must kill him]

{ Honestly Matt should just stay in his college course and leave us and Petey alone}

" Eddie came to me for help and I refused him. I told him to meet me here today." Matt tells me. I frown. He then tosses the kid a vile with a black liquid in it. " I was busting some drug ring and I found this." Matt grumbles.

[ what's in the vile can we trust the kid with it]

{ Well he's the same age us so technically he's not a kid and I don't know if we can}

Eddie looks like someone has just given him a lifetime pass of free chimichangas. He hugs Matt thanking him. " I'm so sorry Wade I needed him back. They told me I bring them Spiderman they give me Venom." Eddie apologizes. 

" Give me the names of the people."

He hands me a card. He then opens the small vile and the black liquid creeps out and into his skin. He winces in pain when it seeps into his skin was. " Baby oh god I missed you." Eddie whispers. " Let's go Matt." I mumble and pick up Peter.

"Thank you team red." Eddie whispers as we leave

" Your welcome."

Peters pov

" Ever since he's been involved with you he's life has been going down hill!" I hear my dad yelling. The familiar wake up call is not welcomed.

" Well I killed those people so he's safe." Wade tells my dad. I walk out of my room. " Yea but now we have this problem." My dad snaps.

I see he's pointing at Eddie. How long have I've been asleep. " Peters awake." Matt says ending the argument between my father and my boyfriend. Wade rushes over and hugs me.

" Can you stop getting hurt." He teases. I snort and look towards Eddie. Who looks mildly uncomfortable. " Can I go Mr.Stark?" He asks quietly.

" Not until we figure how to get that thing out of your system." My dad tells him. He then stands up quickly. "No!" He screams.

" He's mine! I love him and you can't take him away. I won't lose him again." Eddie shouts. My father stares at him startled.

"Ok kid calm down."

" NO." His voice gets deeper and his eyes flash white. " Eddie He won't take venom from you. I promise." I tell him. He calms down.

" Tony you take Venom from Eddie I will have no choice but to kill you." Wade says dangerously.

My dad takes few steps backwards. Eddie smiles happily. "Hear that buddy they won't let anyone take you away from me." Eddie says to himself. Wade then grabs Eddie and teleports away. He appears a few seconds later and teleports me with him.

We appear in Wades room. A large black monster with white eyes was stomping around Wades room. " Hungry." It roars. Wade then cuts off his arm and feeds it to the beast.

I stare at the two in shock. " Petey this is Venom. Eddie is his host and well..." wade stops for a second and looks at venom who nods. " Baby daddy." Wade finishes.

" Venom is pregnant!" I exclaim. Wade shakes his head. The beast then shrinks and Eddie stands in his place. " Actually I am..."

" Your what!"

" He's pregnant Pete. I know this is a little out of our league but team red must protect them. When Eddie lost venom and drugged you he seemed so lost. I realized at that moment that Eddie and I are very alike so I will be hosting Venom when the baby comes." Wade tells me.

" If you believe that they are good and worth protecting then I do too."

Eddie pulls me into a hug. " Thank you so much Peter." He says happily hugging me tighter.

When I started this chapter I didn't expect to end it this way but I guess here we are

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