Chapter 5: Its Ok Red

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2 weeks later

Wades pov

I'm sitting at my usual lunch table almost completely alone. Ned is sick and Mj doesn't like me and Peters with his 'girlfriend'. I don't trust her but Peter seems so happy I can't step in.

" Hey Wade I have to tell you something. Please don't get pissed and fight someone." Mj says suddenly. She rarely talks to me so I'm obviously curious.

[ I feel like I'm going to fight someone]

{ It has to be something important}

She comes over to me and grabs a fistful of my shirt and stage kisses me. I'm stunned. I don't like her like that she turns me around to face Gwen. Who is glaring at me. She then kisses Peter. Who also looks shocked. Gwen's smiles sweetly and Peter just shrugs it off. Gwen then flips me the the bird.


[it was a stage kiss so she kissed her thumb]

" Gwen is jealous of you. So she asked Peter out." Mj explains. " Jealous of what." I ask completely confused.

[ we are ugly and insane]

{ Oof I'm shooketh what could she be jealous of.}

I cringe at yellow but ignore him otherwise.
" Well we are like really close sort of dating but not really. She was going through my sketch book a couple of weeks and saw your picture and got jealous." Mj frowns.

[ Why would that make her jealous]

{ Holy shit she thinks Mj is into you}

" She thought you were into me?" I ask to clarify. Mj nods. " Oh my god she using Peter!" The realization just hit me.

{Ok fight her}

[ Kill her skin her alive]

I get up and storm over. Peter is smiling happily. Gwen looks like she couldn't care less. I sit next Petey. " Hi Wade." She says with a sugary sweet voice. Petey waves.

" Mj doesn't like me. She's super into you so stop using Peter as your beard." I growl. Peter looks at me with a confused glance. " W-what I'm not... Does she really?" Gwen stammers. I nod.

[ fucking lesbians]

{ Aww Gwen and Mj will be so cute together.}

Gwen looks at Peter sadly. " Pete I'm sorry I never really liked you. I was using you to make Mj jealous." Gwen apologizes holding Peters hand. He pulls away. I see tears in his eyes. Peter runs off.

" Your lucky I don't skin you alive." I snarl. She flinches. " You can't do that." She challenges. I pull out a small switch blade. I cut into my own skin slowly pulling the skin in my arm back. It stitches back together in 30 seconds. She looks horrified. 

[ Fear us we'll do this to you. Maybe just for the fun of it.]

{ You hurt Petey killing you would be a pleasure}

Mj is now standing by Gwen. She's staring me down. I chuckle darkly and clean up my blood. I know Mj saw what I did. I get up and Make my way to the nurses office. Peter is there with his aunt. I knock on the door Peter looks up.  May ushers me in. I sit next to him on the bed.

" Hey baby boy sorry I did that." I tell him softly.  He nods tears in his eyes. " You were only doing as you saw best Wade." I frown.

" I shouldn't of done it in front of you. I knew you liked her. It's just..." I grip my blonde hair frustrated. What can I tell him. I think I'm In love you. I've liked you since the first day I met you. Your my hero and I don't deserve you as my friend little alone more. I'm worried your going to leave me. I'm jealous and afraid of the others close to you.

[ Scar faced freak ugly monster no one could ever love you not even mom.]

{ No one could love us we are just worthless garbage  sick bastard}

Peter grabs my hand. We sit together staring at the floor he holds my hand while I let the tears spill. I know he's crying too. The bell rings lunch is at an end. Peter let's go of my hand and crouches in front of me on the floor. He wipes my tears away. " It's going to be ok Red ." He says and leaves.

[ don't leave us please]

" He's already gone White." I rub  my eyes with the sleeves on my hoodie. I get up and go to class.

It's finally last hour. I see Peter sitting in the front as usual. I sit in the desk next to him.
" Hey." I say quietly.  He smiles. " You ok?" He asks with clear concern.  " Yea."

[ We aren't ok]

{ Can't you see that.}

" Wade don't lie to me."  Peter warns. " I'm not lying." I pout. Peter gives me a look. I sigh and shrink into my seat. I could tell him.

{[ now or never]}

The words leave a foul taste in my mouth. I hate those words. The same ones I spoke all those years ago when I killed father. " Just peachy baby boy speaking of peachy your ass looks great in those jeans." My natural deflection to real emotion flirting.

" Red." Peter says in a warning tone. He knows exactly how to get to me. " I'm in love with someone." I blurt. Peters eyes widen.


{ Ok I might take control and kill ourself.}

" That's cool Wade you should tell them." Peter says trying to sound supportive. Ok take a deep breath and tell him. " Sure will baby boy."


[ Wade come on you fucking stupid asswipe]

{ *screeches in gay frustration *}

" I'm sorry White but you confess to the guy you like" I snap. I see a few people turn toward us. Peter looks at me with worry. The bell rings and the teacher enters. Our chance is gone.

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