Chapter 10: Its ok my love

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I wake up in the bathroom. In a dried up puddle of my blood. I gag and go to stand up.
" Your finally awake." The furious voice made me flinch.

" I'll pay for the floor ok." I tell Logan.

" I don't care about the floor god damn it!" He snaps. I stand up and turn to face him. He's clearly worried. I push past him. I look at the clock 5 a.m school starts at 8:10. I can get about an hour of sleep. Then I have to take a shower and eat breakfast.

" Talk to me Wade."

[ He doesn't care ]

{ no one cares.}

I go into my room and lay in my bed. The sweatshirt I'm wearing is still bloody but who cares. Logan is standing in my doorway. He shakes his head towards me. Then walks away.


" You look like shit." I roll my eyes at the nerd. It had taken me forever to get ready for school cause most of my sweatshirts have bloodstains.
I continue to work on my math work. " Wade Wilson to the principals office, Wade Wilson to the principals office." The announcement made everyone snickers.

I grab my bag and walk to the office. I walk in and Peters there. He's shaking and the principals is yelling at him. " Stop this shaking it's not going to help your case!" He snaps and Peter lets out a choked sob.

I grab his shoulder and makes him face me. I then punch the principal. " Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend. He's clearly having a panic attack." I snarl and sit next to Pete and hold him close.

The crazy nurse who happens to be Pete's aunt rushes in. I smile at her Pete has stopped shaking. The principal is nursing a broken nose. May goes to help him out. When Tony walks in.

" Mr.Stark." The principal announces Tony's entrance. I stand up quickly. I should leave he wouldn't want us here.

{ he should hate us}

[ Say you hate us or kill us either one is fine]

" Why did you interrupt my busy day. I'm suppose to be at a meeting right now which I had to postpone for the third time. Pepper is going to have my head on a stick so why am I here." Tony demands coldly.

" Your son caused a disturbance in class today." The principals says and glances towards me. Tony the walks himself into the principals office. Peter follows and so do I. The principal closes the door.

" What kind of disturbance?" He asks quietly. The principal sighs in relief. " While they were watching a movie he started screaming. He cried out for that one." He tells Tony and glares at me for good measure.

" So my son is trouble for sighs of PTSD." Tony growls dangerously. The principal is taken back by the accusation. He clearly doesn't know how to respond. So Tony gets up quickly.

" Boys lets go and Mr. Smith I will be pressing charges for emotional abuse." He says and starts to walk out.

" Then I will be pressing charge against Mr. Wilson."

" Oh you will. Well have fun explaining you were screaming at a teenager in the middle of a panic attack and their boyfriend came in and protected them." Tony snaps and storms out with Peter and I following him.

Peters pov

When we get back to the tower my dad turns towards Wade furious. " My son upsets you so you go home and kill yourself! What kind of person does that. Logan was so worried. You haven't been there in a couple of days and the first thing you do when you get home is put a bullet through your skull!" He snaps.

Wade killed himself again. It was my fault. My dad and Wade stare each other down. " I had to ok." Wade finally speaks. " You don't have to do anything!" My dad shouts furious.

" They wouldn't shut up." Wade whimpers. I rest my hand on his arm. Wade is trying not to cry and it pains me to see him like this.

" If you let the voices get to you every time you'll never get better." My dad tells him. Wade looks at his feet. My dad starts to walk away.

" Liar."

My dad turns around quickly. Wade looks at him determined. I look at my father and at Wade. They both look furious. " Fine go ahead kill yourself. It shows you how little you care about everyone around you." My father says coldly. I'm taken back by his sudden coldness towards the situation. My dad turns around to walk away again

" I care more about Peter than I have about anyone in a very long time." Wade defends. My father hasn't turned around yet. " Oh really then why did you hit him."

Wade makes a croaking noise. He quickly steps away from me. I never said anything how did my dad know. Wade eyes widen as grips onto his gloves. " Shut up." Wade says quietly.

" Stop never wanted to." Wade whimpers. My dad has now grasped the situation. " Wade calm down I know you never wanted to hurt me." I tell him gently.

" Just like father." He whispers to himself. I'm so glad he doesn't have any weapons on him. I know he would kill himself if he did. " Wade calm down." My dad warns.

" Wade look at me you are the most amazing man I've ever met. Yes you've done things you regret but you can't blame yourself for those things. It may be a little to soon but I love you wade." I tell him gently. Wade turns toward me with a upset expression.

" You can't love me. That's a death sentence. The people I care about die. I can't be around you any more." Wade whispers horrified.

" Baby you can love me. I know you can I've seen how much you care about me. I don't think I could last without you." I tell him gently. He looks up and smiles. I pull him into a hug.

"We are going to be ok." Wade whispers to himself.

You are going to be ok when I'm by your side my love.

It's going to be ok my love (Spideypool)Where stories live. Discover now