May I have this Dance?

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      "Aw my sweet little sister is back how was you day?" Big brother Isaya asked trying to change the subject. Causing Maria to giggle making me glare in her direction. The others stood still as if i would forget of their own existence.

     "Very well I had just called everyone here to inform them of the school dance and how they work here." Father spoke sweetly.

     "Everyone knows how dances work father. So do you mind telling me whats really going on?" I question once more. Big brother Zero grew more angry by the second. Clenching his fists Zero finally made eye contact with me. Big brother Isaya fell silent as Maria just smiled at me.

     "Jay I think it would be best if you calmed down sweetie nothing is going on." Father spoke nervously. Jay? Why would he say something like that? Father never uses my nane unless its serious. Realaztion dawning on me I glared at the people before me.

     "Very well then I guess I'll be going after all I have a ball to get ready for. Bye daddy big brother Isaya and Big brother Zero. " i said bowing taking my leave.

     I lazily made my way back to the dorm rooms. As I entered my room glancing over the scene several items were out of place. Growling from the disaster of clothes and papers thrown all over the place. My stuffies out of order while some where ripped. Slowly i backed out making my way to kanames doorm room. Which shockingly he was no where to be found making my temper waver from calm. As i entered o scene a big whote box laid out onto the bed making me giggle. As i got closer to see a small note with my name on it. Quickly opening the note i smiled.

     My dearest flower I had a meeting to attend with you father. Nothing serious he just wanted to have a quick chat. Please accept this dress to wear tonight it would bring me the most joy.


     Giggling i ooened the box to reveal a light pink lolita dress with white seams.

   My heart paused at the beauty as i began to dress myself smiling  as all i could think of now was this dance

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   My heart paused at the beauty as i began to dress myself smiling  as all i could think of now was this dance. As o finished getting ready i made my way out to the dance smiling even though I didn't have my own escort. As I entered the venue I was greeted by several old classmates.

     "Young Kiryu it's been so long. My how your beauty has grown like a never ending feild of flowers blessing the world with is colors." A boy with glasses greeted me causing my to blush from his sudden poetic words.

      Looking around i seen my big brothers through out the room. As maria freely frolicked through the crowd while Ruka glared at those regular boys whon tried to make contact with her. As Akatsuki leaned aginst the wall with a pained expression from watching the woman he loves live in pain. Big brother Zero spent his tine glaring at Kaname and Yuki whom stood before him on the open balcony above. As Rima and Shiki danced together looking more apathetic then usual i giggled. Making my rounds around the dance floor I danced with a few of my old classmates before making my way to Kaname and Zero up top. Quietly I made my way to the balcony unkowing to the conversation already in place. Laying ahinst the door frame i looked between a distressed girl and two hungry unappreciated vampire boys.

     "Leave her alone you monster." Zero let out harshly.

     "That's awfully big talk for a servant of your caliber." Kanames voice came out smug as Yuki glanced between them.

     "I am no ones servant. Let alone a monster like you." Zero continued clenching his fists.

     "You serve the very woman you despise. An yet can't even control his own bloodlust. Always waiting for his baby sister to save the day when all he does his push her away."

      "An all you do is torture poor Yuki into loving you.only now you seem more smitten with my sweet sister more then anything." With this statement Kanames composure started to fade.

     "My queen is my queen and will be treated accordingly." Kaname said calmly. Sighing i left them to argue and Yuki to glare  at the stop i just left. Making my way to the back corner of the dance floor to Akatsuki i smiled at him.

     "That woman has secrets she's keeping from us. Find her body for me Katsuki." I sooke in a hushed tone as i walked away from him so no one got to suspicious. An brfore i knew it a hadsome bot eith chocolate hair blessed me with his presence.

     "You are more beautiful then i could ever imagine." He spoke softly reaching his hand out to me. I chuckled at the boy before me and his sincerity.

     "Why thank you my kind prince. Of course I would with the loving gift you got for me tonight." I replied as he smiled down at me. His kind smile illuminating his perfect face.

      "Only thebbest for my queen. Now may I have this dance?" He questioned at i quickly took his hand an we waltzed through the dance floor. As many jealous by standards glared my mind faded away with the bliss of the moment as if it could last forever. I felt truly at peace. If only i would've known this may be my kast truly peacefuk night I woukdve found a way to makenit last longer. Soon the tine came for the knight class to dance with the day class just before the night would end. Countless people lined up to dance with their vampuric crush. As I on the other habd took this momentnto find my big brother. I finished my night dancing with the boy who means the world to me. Zero looked as graceful as usual making the boys angry in thendau class.

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