King Kuran

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     Days had passed since then we were finally getting back to class. Only Shiki has been acting strange. He looks at me differently. His behaviour is also questionable. Currently I stood before him in the hallway. A wicked smirk played at his lips as he looked between me and Kana-kuns door as if a he knew the biggest secret there is. He stood there for a moment as if in thought before a boy with beautiful white hair appeared. Big brother Ichiru.

     "Master is everything alright?" Ichiru asked stepping in between us.

      "No not at all." He retorted pushing past me,"let's go." Standing in awe I glared at him. Sighing I skipped off I had to figure out what was wrong. Meeting up with the rest of these high class vamps we set out for class of course. And to no surprise Senri looked upon us all with a sinister smile. All the while Kanme acted as if nothing was wrong. Glancing between the both of them I raised an eyebrow. Not entirely sure myself what I was witnessing. Just what has gotten into them? Weighing my options I huffed walking up to Senri.

     "Shiki what's wrong ?" I questioned looking up at his face my eyes meeting his cold stare. Kaname narrowed his eyes at the boy before stepping between us.

     "Shiki is just more tired then usual isn't that right?" Kaname interrupted.

      "Yeah just tired." Senri replied just as Toga dismissed class. Much to my dismay we were surrounded by day class students in seconds of us leaving the building. I smiled seeing big brother scare those girls into place.

     "Back up Idiots!" He yelled making me giggle as I ran up hugging him.

     "Big brother I missed you!" I squealed into his chest.

     "I missed you too." He responded kissing the top of me head.

     "Little Kiryu let's go." Katsuki spoke drawing my attention. While I was met with a penetrating gaze of Shiki. Shrugging I rushed off to join them as I smiled.

     "Good bye big brother." I called out Kana-kun took my hand as we walked away. Looking at the boy behind me which happened to be Shiki I heard a few whispers.

     "Senri what's wrong?" Rima questioned in a hushed tone and to my suprise as she took his arm he pushed her away.

     "Get off of me girl." He spat walking off leaving Rima speechless. Causing my eyebrow to raise once again
I decided to pay father a visit with all the weirdness that was going on. Once we made it back to the dorms I quickly left making my way into the academy. Smiling at the very students whom I once shared classes with I finally reach my destination. To see my father not even considering he could be talking to anyone. I reached for the door grasping the cold metal handle. An as if ment to draw my attention away a scream echoed though the halls. Darting off in the direction I was stunned at the sight before me. Yuki stood infront of Kana-kun Artemis drawn. Fear blatantly shone through her soft features. Sighing I put my hand on her shoulder. For once I truly felt bad for her. A delicate mind slowly unraveling at the seems.

     "Sleep." I said softly as Yuki began to relax as her eyes began to close. Turning my attention toward my love I rolled my eyes, "so your plan Kana-kun? "

     "Theres no need to worry princess my pieces are falling into place one by one." He responded making me growl.

     "Pieces? This isn't chess Kaname this is your sister. She is going to awaken one way or another. Her mind can't handle this and you know it. " I spit glaring at him.

     "No Yuki is not a chess piece not in my game at least but do not worry. My sweet flower when the time comes I will handle it."he reassured picking Yuki up before walking off with her. Growling at these event I marched back to the moon dorms my talk with father would just have to wait.

     Entering the moon dorms I growled once again seeing Senri. My eyes narrowing taking in his complete appearance. Down to his one new distinct feature. Those miss matched eyes once again appeared in my presence. I could hear several things shatter around me as this man smiled wickedly at me. Akatsuki's attention turned to me eyes widening in shock from my obvious anger. This is what Kanames been hiding from me an to no suprise there's Ichijo trying to usher Senri away from me. Just what does he know? Regaining composure I brushed off the questioning glances walking off to Senri's room. Flicking my wrist I opened the door revealing both boys in a heated discussion.

     "Sharing secrets I see boys. Now does my sweet king know?" I questioned innocently tapping a finger to my chin.

     "No! That's not at all what's going on here." Ichijo exclaimed as Senri smirked.

     "Ichijo leave us."I stated firmly licking my lips.

    "But m'lady." He started to protest.

     "You dare defy your queen." I cut him off angrily raising an eyebrow.

     "No, not at all. Very well then I'll go check on everyone else." He let out quickly leaving  being sure to close the door behind him.

    "Now mind telling me what you believe you are doing?" I question folding my arms aginst my chest.

    "As if something would concern a small vampire girl like you?" He laughed legitimately laughed at me making me let out a low growl, "so what Kaname is settling for a regualr aristocrat is that all that's left?"

     "Oh no you must have mistaken. Rido have you really forgotten who I am? Who your master really is? Rido tell me have you forgotten just how low your family is compared to me." I seethed with anger a fucking aristocrat really.

     "A fiesty one now aren't you. That makes you even more appealing truly." He responded as a glint of amusement took over his eyes. A wicked smile took over my face only as my mouth opened to respond so did the door. An to no suprise Kaname came in looking rather angry himself.

     "Jay it's time for bed let's go." He spoke softly as he glared at his uncle. Growling one last time I took my leave with Kaname to our room.

     I took the chance to snuggle into his chest as we laid down. Taking in his scent I bit into his neck and he did mine. Moaning out in pure ecstacy as blood filled our mouths. Our eyes flickering to a bright crimson red. As imagines passed though my mind while his overflowing emotions made his blood bitter. As the regreat for his sisters circumstances prominent. While his heart seemed to falter with the thought of his uncle I could feel tears swell up in my eyes as I pulled away peering into his own eyes. A blank look talkng over his face to hide his emotions from the world.

     "Kana-kun." I spoke softly wrapping my arms around his neck.

     "Don't worry my love everything is going to be fine." He spoke trying to reassure me.

     "But Kaname this means we will be going to war with him. Hell probably the Senate too. What about our people, our friends jell what about my family?" I questioned feeling lost in the situation.

     "They will be safe." He responded kissing the top of my head.

     "Kana-kun." I breathed.

     "If time ends and the world falls you're all I need by my side." Kaname voice let out softly as he stroked my hair.

     "My sweet prince as long as you breath I will always stand by you now and forever." I responded kissing his cheek

     "You sound as of you don't believe we'll make it." He chuckled.

     "As do you."

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