Time Consuming

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     Two weeks had passed since that day fourteen whole days. My brother has been gone fourteen days an my heart feels weak. My being feels almost empty. By forsaking my own brother I feel I have damned myself. Ironic really if you ask the humans us vampires are the damned. My mind feels as if its sleeps away at the seams. I'm lost for words on our next step. The rest of the Knight class is currently gone on vacation. Meaning our current residence is deathly quiet no Shiki to keep me company. No Rima or Ruka to glare at me from a far of even make a few jokes. Katsuki is gone even though I find him deathly boring. An then there's Kaname the one whom owns my heart. He is currently attending a ball which I refused to bless my presence with.

     Currently it was mid day the sun shining at its brightest upon the trees outside the window. As birds chirped freely for their carefree existence. Taking in my surroundings I needed fresh air. Various papers and book were thrown across the floor. The light purple walls stained in the red liquid from blood tablets. A cheap substitute given to my kind for not being able to feed in fear of turning a human. How dare that damn us. Forsaken us for who we are in life as if we choose this.

     Sighing I finally found the strength to stand and made my way through campus to fathers office. I smiled barging my way inside seeing him in the middle of a discussion with Mr.Yagari.

     "Oh my sweet daughters come to visit." He cooed hugging me tightly. His warm embrace slowly started to bring light into my mind. An my tears started to flow all over again. Nuzzling closer to his chest I let my pain flow. The regret and remorse I feel for following through on my duties. To sacrifice my brothers life for the wellbeing of my people. For killing the woman whom he loved even though she butchered the one family I felt I truly knew. Snatching away my last chance at feeling love from my mother. For letting my brother fall under that womans grasp. An yet most of all I regret for letting my brother so blindly fall under of bloods curse. Because to love its self is to fall into the darkened abyss.

     "Young Kiryu you did what you had to." Teacher spoke finally breaking the silence in the room that my tears now filled.

     "B-but I feel so awful. Who am I to choose who deserves to live and die? Who am I to cut down ny big brother and the woman he truly loved? I, I just don't know how to deal with this."I cried.

     "You are their queen the rightful ruler of Vampires you were chosen by you family as the rightful person to lead them. You are the person who has the most right to choose when a Vampire should die." Yagari continued with a reassuring voice.

      "Thank you, thank you so much." I breathed hugging him tightly, "Now there is business I must attend to." Quickly I rushed out to find Kaname but first I must change

" Quickly I rushed out to find Kaname but first I must change

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     Calling for a driver a soon made my way to the ball. Once arriving I rushed in seeing many stunned faces as I could hear the hushed whispers.

     "Is she the one who killed Shizuka and Isaya?" I heard a woman ask.

     "The queen has returned." A few more chined as many people bowed before me. All the while Kaname sat upon a lounge chair lazy relax one arm strewn across his face. All the while a young Yuki sat perplexed at the situation she was currently in. As various people bowed to me she sat there shocked in pure amazement. Her adopted sister whom she treated to poorly at least in my eyes was actual royalty. Giggling I bowed to my people before making me way to Kana-kun.

     "Kana-kun!" I squealed running up to him earning a fron from Yuki.

     "My sweet flower you've finally come." He breathed finally sitting up.

     "I just needed to hear words from others not in our situation. I could feel the gaze of many on us. All astound that I could freely address Kaname in such a manor.

      "Very well are you ready to make your debut?" He questioned even though I knew he would do it any way.

    "Debut? Debut for what?" Yuki asked.

     "My dear Yuki it seems we haven't been fully honest with you." I continued rising to my feet with Kaname as gathered everyones dying attention.

      "Welcome everyone. Now I know I've already gave my speech but today really wasn't about me. Today was about finally meeting your queen. The woman chosen by the eldest family of vampires the originals. The ones whom gave us life the only house to be able to make true vampires from humans. Please welcome my love Jay Kiryu-Shoto." He spoke as the men and woman around applauded my existence.

     "Thank Kana-kun this is truly breath taking. I couldn't be more happy with how this turned out. Now I know you all have several questions and I have quite a few answers. First and for most Yes I single handedly killed Shizuka Hio. The woman whom killed my human family for executing her level E lover. A man whom even hated her. An yes I killed my brother that same night as well. I know how unbelievable that I could do that. Now my brother fell in love with Shizuka madly and deeply. Being a Shoto mean to live without love as a man. Our men never know love for it can be our greatest weakness. Loving for a Shoto is dangerous. We love so deeply and unconditionally it can drive us mad. The woman in our family have learned to control this and make it possible to survive only our men can't seem to over come that. Whether it be family or friend in the sight of death of that loved one madness takes over and they loose all sense of reason. My brother at the sight of her strangled me after hatching a plan to kill me for power he could never have. Ah an yes he sent me away to live with humans after Rido attacked our home and killed our family. Luckily I was able to use my abilities to help us escape along with a few servants that were left alive. He promised to protect me, us so when I took over their could be peace. So our people didn't have to live in hiding. He wanted a world where we all could coexist with eachother. And live freely without fear. An even if it means my life I will give that to you for your peace." I spoke with a smile and the crowd clapped for me. Lifting a weight off my shoulder.

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