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Stella's POV

Calum and I were both panting when we got back to the store, to find out that it was already open. I see Michael from the clear glass door of the store.

Why did we even run that fast? It's not like we're gonna be in trouble, Calum's the owner of the store.

"Hey. Where did you two go?" Michael asked, no suspicion in his tone, just curiosity.

"Got cheeseburgers." Calum coughed.

"With Stella?" Michael was a bit surprised.

Calum did not say a word. He just shrug and then walked to get to the bathroom.

We did not eat cheeseburger. Why would he even hide the fact that we ate banana bread?

"What did you do to him?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What? I didn't do anything." I answered honestly.

"What did you guys do there anyway?" Michael asks too many questions. Ugh.

"We ate." I put up the "obviously" tone.

"I mean, what exactly did you eat? Really?" Okay, he is weirding me out.

"Why do you need to know?" I look at him, confusion in my tone.

"Answer the damn question, Stella." His voice was firm.

"Okay, geez. We ate... Cheeseburgers." If Calum answered cheeseburgers then I might as well say that. I'm sure he has a reason.

Michael continues to stare at me as if he knew that I was lying.

"Calum!" Michael called and he instantly replied with a "yes?"

"I think we maybe have to talk!" Michael shouted with a hint of concern in his voice as he stared at me.

"Yeah, just a sec!" Calum shouted back.

"No. I will come to you. Excuse me, Stella." Michael pulled out the fakest smile and I nod.

What could that be about?

Michael's POV

After trying to remain my shit together, I walk to the bathroom where Calum was. He was staring at himself in the mirror.

"Hey, Cal. What was that?" I ask with a bit suspicion.

"What was what?" He casually responded.

"Did you really just ate "cheeseburger" with Stella?" I air quoted and his facial expression instantly shifted from calm to tensed.

I knew it. I know he's lying. Could he possibly have brought her there?

"Yes and so? It's no big deal." His eyes were travelling all over the room.

"I have known you since grade school, Cal. Stop lying." I sigh.

"W-e we. We went out for... cheeseburgers. I'm not lying." His voice was a bit louder and I just stare at him, keeping myself calm.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Mike. Drop it." He took a deep breath and then looked down.

"Cal, it is a big deal. You went to..." I pause. I would not push him. Mike, don't push him.

"Alright. You tell me when you're ready, man. You know I would listen, whatever it is." I pat his right shoulder.

"Yeah. Whatever." He moved out of the bathroom, bumping my shoulder a bit.

"You're leaving?" I hear Stella ask but Calum did not respond.

Stella's POV

"What happened?" I asked Michael who have just got out of the bathroom.

"Leave it to us, Stella." His voice was firm.

"Right." I put on a small smile.

I thought I was part of the group already. I thought I was friends with them. I thought I had a family. But that's all it is. A thought. Just in my head.

"Hey, I didn't mean to be rude." He apologized. Michael must have seen my obvious frown.

"It's okay. I understand." I tried to regain myself.

Finally, it's closing time. My feet hurt.

The whole day went by in silence between Michael and I, only trading a few words about the store, once in a while.

There still is no sign of Calum. He's probably just out there doing whatever he pleases to do and I must not give a single fuck about it.

"Stella, you're good here on your own?" Michael looks back at me, taking a hold of the door.

"Yeah. 100 percent." I offered him a small smile.

"Have a good night, then." He nods at me.

"You too." I replied, getting my way out of the cashier and a few moments after, I'm alone, again.

"What should I do, now?" I talked to myself, undoing my high ponytail.

I decided that I would just clean up my room. Maybe, change the furniture's positions, vacuum the floor, anything to keep myself occupied.

Once I got into my room, I started by dusting off the sofa bed I have been sleeping into and then moving it a little further into the middle of the room. I reached for my phone on the table to play some music to set up the mood. I instantly smile when The Cure's Friday I'm In Love played in shuffle.

I feel a little bit lighter, now that there is music. I then proceeded to vacuuming the floor.

Wow, I have only realized now how old this room looks like. This couch really needs to be reupholstered, the carpet needs to be replaced and the walls might need to be repainted. There are a lot to fix here if I wanted this to be my home but I know all too well that this is temporary. Everything is. I have only asked Luke for a place to stay in a while and not my whole life. I don't even think my job here at Calum's is an actual job. I work here to pay my stay which doesn't really make me much of money.

I got out of my strance when I heard my phone beep. I instantly look at the screen. It's Luke.

"Hey. What's up?" I greeted.

"Yeah, just checking up on you. How have you been catching up at Calum's?" His voice was calm.

"Yeah. Been a lot to take in but I'm quite good, I guess." I shrugged.

"Has he been a dick, lately?" He coughed.

"Well, has he not been?" I let out a laugh and he joins me.

"Hey, uh can you come over? Ryle said she wanna start over. You know, the day you met was not the best." He sounded a bit hesitant.

"Oh, really? That would be great." I smile to myself. At least Luke and his girlfriend want me around.

"Great. I'll see you then."

"Hmkay, see you." I hang up the phone and immediately got dressed. I hope tonight goes well with me and Ryle. I mean no harm with their relationship. I'm glad she finally came to her senses.

In a while, I found myself knocking on Luke's door. I hear him shout "Coming!"

"Hey." Ryle greeted.

"Hi." Well, it's awkward...

"Come in. Come in." She steps back from the door frame to give me space to enter.

"I'm glad you could make it, Stella. I cooked dinner. To make it up to you. I have been quite a bitch." She apologized with an uneasy smile on her face.

"No need to apologize. Really, I understand." I send her a genuine smile.

"Let's just start over, I guess." She motioned for a hug and I gladly take it.

"Let's eat, you two." Luke announced from the kitchen.

The night at Luke's was really fun. They told me stories of how they met and stuff. And then after that Luke gave me a ride back home. They offered for me to stay in but I got work for tomorrow. I don't want Calum or Michael to be mad at me. I just don't want to be late.

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