chapter 2: a battle between Charizard and an announcement that shakes the world

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Ash and his Charizard were high above the stadium so high in fact that people need to use binoculars to see what's going on when professor oak looked up through the binoculars and saw how high up in the air that Ash was he knew what Ash was planning on doing and he said." OH NO!!!. We need to take cover right now before we get Hit!!!." And Serena asked." Hit by what professor???. What's going on???." And professor sykamor said." He's right. I was wondering why Ash wanted to make this an aerial battle. He's definitely not holding anything back now. Nothing can stop what's coming next." And clemont asked." What's that professor???." And professor oak said." Ash's Charizard had just recently learned The move Draco meteor a month ago. I had advised him to only use it for a last resort. But apparently he's determined to ensure his own victory at All costs. The higher in the air he is the more powerful The attack will become!!!."clemont Bonnie and Serena All said." WHAT!!!!. IS ASH INSANE!!!." And Delia said." No. Just desperate too prove himself." And Serena asked." What do you mean he's desperate too prove himself!!!. For what???." And Bonnie said." It's not what he's proving himself for Serena. It's WHO he's desperate too proving himself to. And that's you!!!. Ash isn't doing this for Fame or glory. He's doing it too prove he deserves such a beautiful girl like you in his life."professor oak said." We better take cover. He's definitely going to use it." Up in the sky Alain was feeling light headed and having a hard time catching his breath he then said." Ash you coward!!!. Come out and face me!!!. Where are you??!!." Ash Then whispered in his charizard's ear." Charizard. Draco meteor. Full blast." Ash knew that alain's Charizard X was part dragon and only a powerful enough dragon type move like Draco meteor could end this quickly. Alain then heard from above him." Charizard!!!. Draco meteor!!!.full blast!!!." Alain then said." CRAP!!!. Charizard dodge Them!!!." But it was too late. The multiple giant yellow balls of energy Hit Alain and his Charizard and kept impaling them until they Hit The ground. Alain kept trying to avoid The blasts but they were too fast and he said to himself." So that was why he wanted to take The battle to the air!!!.he wouldn't have to worry about the people in the stands getting hurt!!!. But this is the first time I've ever seen a Draco meteor this strong before!!!. And his charizard's speed alone outmatched my Charizard X!!!." Just then in The stadium an enormous explosion was heard.(KABOOM!!!). A massive crater as big and wide as the stadium itself appeared and up in The stands and All around the world people were on The edge of their seats trying to see who is the person in The Crater. But professor oak already knew it wasn't Ash and said." It's not Ash. He's still up in the air waiting for Alain to give him a real challenge." And Serena said." But that's crazy!!!. How far is he willing to go to win this battle!!??." And professor oak said." As far as it takes to win I'm afraid. When Ash gets like this. He's definitely unstoppable." Ash then said." COME ON ALAIN. GET UP HERE AND FACE ME!!!. I KNOW YOUR STALLING FOR TIME!!!." Alain and his Charizard Then climbed out of the crater and he said." Dear arceus that hurt. Are you alright to continue Charizard???."  Charizard nodded his head Yes but Alain knew that attack took more out of his Charizard Then expected he then went to get back on his Charizard but just as his Charizard stood up it fainted. With Ash's Charizard having fully recovered it's energy he then flew back down to The stadium and said." I won. you lost. Deal with it." Ash then returned his Charizard to it's pokeball and The director mr.pokemon said." People of The Kalos region. I present to you our new champion!!!. Ash Ketchum of Kanto!!!. The entire stadium burst into cheers of congratulations and even Ash's friends from The other regions were excited that he's finally won The Pokemon league. But what he's going to do next will shock even Brock from the pewter city gym. Serena Then came up to Ash and said. " Congratulations Ash you did it you won!!!." And Ash said." Well I didn't do it alone. I had a reason why I wanted to win. mr.pokemon. is the league being broadcast world wide???." And mr.pokemon said." Yes it is. Why??? do you have something you would like to say???." And Ash said." Even better. I have something to ask you Serena." And Serena said." What is it Ash???." Ash then got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny black box from inside his coat pocket opened it and said." Serena. Will you be there for me when I need you through life and death situations. I love you. So I'm asking. Will you be my wife Serena???. Will you marry me and start our own family together???." And Serena couldn't help but shed tears of Joy and said." Yes Ash Yes I'll marry you!!!." They Then shared their first kiss as future newly Weds. Team rocket then showed up and They said." Congratulations on your your engagement." James Then said." If it's not too late to ask. Would you be able to invite us to the wedding???. We don't want to work for Giovanni any more. Jessy always wanted to work with Pokemon in a Pokemon center and I always wanted to be a culinary Pokemon chef. Making delicious treats for people and Pokemon alike." And Ash said." Of course your invited to the wedding. We have had our differences but I think it was time to put it in The past. And work together for a better future!!!." And James said." Don't worry Ash. I'm going to make The most exquisite meals and cake imaginable!!!." And Jessy said." And I'm going to help you find the perfect wedding dress Serena darling. Just trust me when I say I'm going to find you the most beautiful dress ever!!!. This is so exciting!!!." And Meowth said." And don't worry about the invitation cards and seating arrangements. let good old Meowth help you with that." And Ash said." Thanks for the help guys."

Meanwhile back in Kanto Misty and Brock could not believe what they just saw and heard!!!. Team rocket has surrendered. Ash's getting married and he's won the Kalos Pokemon league!!! what's next???. Serena getting pregnant in nine months from now!!??. Nothing would surprise Them about Ash anymore!!!. Misty then said." I'm so happy for him aren't you Brock???. " And Brock said." Yeah and I think we should make them a stone statue." This is where Misty and Brock arguing said" no. We're giving him a water fountain!!!" Stone statue!!!" Water fountain!!!." Stone statue!!!." WATER FOUNTAIN!!!." May Max Dawn cilan  and drew all said." ENOUGH!!!." Max Then said." Brock
You can make Ash a stone statue.and Misty. You can make Serena a water fountain. That way you can give them each a gift. sound fair???." And Misty and Brock said." FINE"  and May said." I have to contact Butler and Diane imediatly!!!. Their going to love putting on a magic act for them!!!. And Dawn said." I better come up with a gift myself." Everyone was excited this was going to be the biggest memory of their entire lives. And knowing Ash he already has his Man of honor picked out.

Back at the pallet town research Pokemon Lab of professor oak.
Gary oak childhood friend and former rival of Ash got a call from Ash and what Ash asked him had shocked him."WHAT!!!. You want me to be the Man of honor at your wedding!!??. I'm honored Ash but why not Brock???."And Ash said." Brock's nice and All but I don't want to have him flirting with my future wife. Plus Misty needs to be The maid of honor. To keep Brock in line. I'm sorry if it was last minute but your the closest person I've known The longest. so what do you say???." And Gary said." Don't worry Ash I'll be on the first flight to the Kalos region tomorrow morning. You could count on me." He then hung up and said." Hey Tracy. Pack your bags and All of Ash's Pokemon. We're going on a vacation to the Kalos region!!!!"

NEXT TIME chapter 3: wedding bells and a surprise visit from a legendary Pokemon!!!.

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