chapter 11: The war begins

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The armies were ready. The people and Pokemon on both sides were waiting anxiously for someone to make the first move and as The leaders of both armies look at each other Ash said." We don't have to do this ghetsis. This pointless war can be avoided if you turn back and give up right now I will let you leave. Alive. With your dignity intact." And ghetsis said." No way!!!. We've All been looking forward to this moment!!!. You and your friends and family have ruined our plans for world domination and now we are going to have our revenge!!!." And Ash said." Fair enough. I gave you a chance. But now your making me bring out the big guns. Maxie!!! Archie!!! collector!!!. Send in the weather trio!!!. Giovanni call ho-oh!!!. Misty send in suicune!!!. liutenant surge send in raiku mew!!!. Mew two!!!. Stand by!!!. Moltres Zapdos Articuno come out!!!" Ash then pulled out his ocarina and played lugia's song while Giovanni held the rainbow wing feather up to the sky and out of the clouds came ho-oh and lugia." Ghetsis Then said." Your not The only one with legendary Pokemon!!!. Dialga palkia giratina. I choose you!!!." Lysandre then said." Yveltal Xerneas zygarde come on out!!!" The leader of team plasma then said." Reshiram zekrom victini i choose you!!!." The grunts All sent out their Pokemon and The war had begun. Mew two and his clone Pokemon army were waiting for the enemies legendary Pokemon to be defeated before they moved into battle and Ash said." CHARGE!!!." Pokemon both common and legendary fell on both sides until Ash said." Mew two and mew move in now!!!." And with The order given mew two and his clones had easily overpowered the original Pokemon. Mew meanwhile was healing any injured Pokemon on The battlefield. Just then as Ash was about to have lugia use aeroblast to end this The clouds above Them broke open and out of the sky came Ash's grandmother arceus The goddess and creator of the Pokemon world. And arceus said." I am very proud of you my dear grandson. You have fought hard and held your own against these corrupt people. As such I bestow their Pokemon under your care. Your family is safe. You don't have to fight them anymore." And Ash said." But then. What should I do Grandma arceus???." And arceus said." Become the next viridian city gym leader. Where you make The rules. And battles are fought for sport and not world domination." Ash just fell to his knees and crying said." I just wanted to have peace in The world. Live a quiet life why was I chosen grandma arceus???. Why me???" And arceus said." Because you are a strong trainer who is pure of heart and Noble mind. You battle to protect others not because you enjoy battling other people. That's why I chose you grandson." Arceus then healed All of the weak and injured Pokemon back to full health and said." You shall have Dominion over All Pokemon. With The power of Aura you can understand The hearts and minds of any Pokemon just by coming into contact with it." Arceus then landed in front of Ash and tapped his chest. A bright white light surrounded Ash and then a blue sphere of Aura appeared and arceus said." I have unlocked your Powers of Aura. And your Pokemon ancestry DNA you now have The ability to transform into whatever Pokemon you come into contact with. but be warned. Stay as a Pokemon too long and you will remain a Pokemon forever. This war has ended and you have come out victorious. I shall try to visit when I can. But first. May I meet my great grand children???." And Ash said." Follow me back home and you can meet them." Ash then jumped on lugia's back and arceus followed him to his house once they got there arceus took on her human form and said." This is my human form. Harmony." And Ash said." Well Then. Let's introduce you to your great grandchildren. Samuel serenity I'm home. The war has ended and there's someone else I'd like you to meet." The two children now 7 years old said." Daddy. Daddy. Your back!!!. Who is this pretty lady???." And Ash said." Serenity and Samuel. Meet your great grandma harmony. But as far as Pokemon are concerned. You can call her arceus." Now Samuel and serenity were shocked!!!. They were related to the goddess of all Pokemon!!??. And the fact that there was multiple other legendary Pokemon with her amazed them even more!!!. Serenity Then ran up to her great grandmother and said." Great grandma arceus I'm so happy to meet you at last!!!. Can you stay with us forever???. Please???." And arceus said." I will always be here for you. All you have to do is use these talisman's and speak my name. Harmony. And I shall lend you my power and strength." And Samuel and serenity said." Thank you great grandma harmony!!!." And harmony/arceus said." Consider it a gift for your birthday today. I must be getting back to the heavens now. Without me the balance of power between people and Pokemon will fall apart." Arceus then transformed into her Pokemon form and flew off towards the sky where she then disappeared beyond the clouds and Ash said." Well. It looks like peace has finally been obtained at last. and besides. We're going to be moving to Veridian city soon remember???. I'm The New official gym leader of the Veridian city Pokemon gym. And in 3 years time The two of you will start your own Pokemon journey and take up the same dream I once accomplished. To be a Pokemon master."

This is The last chapter of this story until I can think of ideas for a sequel to The story or more chapter ideas come to me. Thanks for reading and supporting my Ash x Serena story. I didn't expect it to be so popular when I first wrote it.

My newest Pokemon fanfiction story features Ash and Misty. If anyone is interested in reading it by all means. It's basically The origin story of how Ash got his start at becoming a Pokemon master and professional trainer.

ash x Serena: A champion at lastWhere stories live. Discover now