chapter 4: The honeymoon and a"little bundle of joy" surprise for The newlyweds

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Ash and Serena with lugia's help made it to the flower fields of melemele island and just as they They were flying over the island Who should look up in the sky and spot them but mallow Lana and kiaue. They then ran into the Pokemon school where professor kukui was about to start class and since sophecles was already there he said." Hey guys what's up???." And they All shouted together." Professor your not going to believe what we just saw!!!. It was a lugia!!!!." Professor kukui's eyes widened and he said." Are you certain???. Lugia don't appear in the alola region the only record of lugia is in a legend!!!." And mallow said." We are positive professor!!!. It was a large white Pokemon with massive wings a long tail and had Blue spikes on it and blue high lights around the eyes!!!." And professor kukui said." Let me check my Pokemon mytology Database." He then looked up the lugia they described and turned the computer monitor to them and said." Is this The same Pokemon you saw???." They nodded yes and professor kukui said." Read The translation of the tablet that says legend of the chosen one." Kiaue then realized it was THAT lugia and said." I can't believe The waters great guardian of the orange island is here!!!." And Lana said as she read the text." It's true listen to this.

Disturb not the harmony of fire ice or lightning. Lest these Titans wreak destruction upon the world in Wich They clash.

Though The waters great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone it's song Will fail
Thus The Earth shall turn to Ash.

It's a prophecy. But professor. what does this have to do with the lugia we saw???." And professor kukui said."read this news article about The most recent trainer Who won The Kalos league 2 months  ago. Tell me who's name you see." They all shouted." NO WAY!!!. THAT'S CRAZY!!!" And kiaue couldn't contain his excitement and said" i must meet him and challenge his Charizard with my own!!!. I am desperate to see The strength it's got!!!." And The professor said." I wouldn't do that If I were you kiaue. Because from what I heard he's just recently got married and is on his honeymoon. Here. IN alola. He defeated a mega evolution Charizard X with his Mega Charizard Y with just one attack. Draco meteor. And he went full power with The attack also."  Now everyone was sweating bullets and kiaue said." Yikes. He must be a merciless opponent Then isn't he???." And professor kukui said." Only if he has to be. And I guarantee you he won't tell us where lugia's gone to by now." And mallow said." I Saw them land in melemele fields. Perhaps that is where they are. and lugia wouldn't be too far away from him. Would he???."

Meanwhile back at the melemele flower fields Ash and Serena were relaxing in the beautiful flowers staring up at The clouds and watching The Many different types of Pokemon flying by as Ash looked into Serena's eyes and said." I love you so much Serena. When do you want to start having children of our own???." And Serena said. " We can think about that later tonight okay???. let's just enjoy our picknick and our time here together." Pikachu then perks up his ears and noticing this Ash said." Someone's coming!!!. Lugia go hide!!!. I'll call you when whoever is here is gone." Lugia nodded and flew off. Professor kukui and his students Then came up to Ash and Serena and said."ALOLA!!!." And Ash said." Who are you and why are you bothering me and my wife on our honeymoon???." Professor kukui just looked at his students and said." Don't worry kids let me take it from here. We're not here to fight you or capture your Friend lugia. If that's what you think." Ash didn't believe them so he then pulled out a pokeball and said." Zapdos come out!!!." Zapdos appeared in All it's magnificent glory and Ash said." Now then. Either tell me who you are or my friend bolt here will turn you into a power plant." Lanna Then said." Sorry guys but I think it's a good idea to leave. that Zapdos looks very strong and he probably has Moltres and Articuno as well." Ash then threw out two more pokeballs and said." Articuno Moltres come on out!!!. Happy with what you see???. LEAVE. NOW. there's no Lugia around here for you to see." Kiaue then said." I want to battle your Charizard!!!. Your the Kalos region champion. Your Charizard Y is powerful enough to beat it's counterpart Charizard X. Prove it to me in a battle." And Ash said." No. Your not worth even one second of my charizard's time. Now who are you.." and professor kukui said." I'm professor kukui.and these are my students mallow kiaue sophecles Lilly and Lana. We're sorry for interrupting your honeymoon. please enjoy your stay in alola. We'll be leaving now. Let's go kiaue before those three legendary birds kill us." Ash then said." It's been nice meeting you all. And maybe. IF you all swear to acrceus that you keep him a secret from others I could let you see him." And Lana said." Yes we promise!!!. Now please show him to us." Ash Then pulled out his ocarina and began to play lugia's song and sophecles asked." Professor kukui. what is that instrument he's playing???." And Lana said." It's an ocarina sophecles. The only way to meet Lugia is to play his song listen.

Moltres Zapdos and Articuno began dancing or flying was more like it. In a majestic circular motion as if awaiting lugia's presence. And sure enough Lugia appeared in front  of them in All in all his glory and majestic beauty. Professor kukui Then said." WOW. Such a magnificent Pokemon. Is he friendly???." And Ash said." Of course he's friendly. Lanna. Would you like to go for a ride on his back???." And Lana said." Are you sure he won't mind???. " And Ash said." First. Put your hand out as a sign of friendship. If he accepts you then he will let you Ride on his back." Lanna did as told and lugia bowed before her she then got onto lugia's back with Ash and Serena and to say Lana had fun was an understatement. She had the time of her life. Not long after Moltres offered to give kiaue a ride on it's back Zapdos let sophecles Ride on his and Articuno let Lilly ride on her back. Professor kukui couldn't believe it!!!. He's never seen such a strong bond between people and Pokemon before they All landed and Ash returned Moltres Zapdos and Articuno to their pokeballs and said." It's been fun but we have more places to see. Our next stop is Italy then Paris Then Alaska and Hawaii. Well. Good bye." Lily and Lana just screamed out and said." How romantic a world wide honeymoon!!!. If they have any children I hope we'll get to meet them!!!." And The professor said." I have a suspension that with The romantic journey their on eventually they will."

Meanwhile Ash and Serena had just landed in Italy and All of The culture and stone monuments amazed them Ash noticed that Serena was a little pale and asked." Hey Serena dear. Are you feeling okay???." Serena Then went to the nearest garbage can and threw up and thought to herself."dear acrceus!!!. I'm pregnant!!!. I need to tell Ash but how???. OH well I guess now would be a good time as any."  Serena Then went up to Ash and said." Ash. There is something I need to tell you!!!!." And Ash asked." What is it Serena???. You can tell me anything you know." And Serena said." Ash. Did you notice I started putting on some weight???." And Ash said." A little why???." And Serena said." Well do you remember our first night together after you won the Pokemon league???." And Ash said." Yeah. That night was incredible!!!. Why???." And Serena said." Because Ash. I'M GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!. YOUR BABY!!!. I'M PREGNANT!!!." Ash the said." This is great Serena!!!. I'm not mad or upset. I couldn't be happier!!!. We have to tell my mom and The others!!!." And so with Ash and Serena now expected to have a baby boy or girl on The way in 7 more months They started coming up with baby names like serenity or harmony If it's a girl. And or Samuel after professor oak who's been like a father to Ash. But If it was twins it would be both.

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