chapter 7: Samuel and Serenity's first day of school

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It's Samuel and Serenity Ketchum's first day of school and serenity was already up and waiting for her brother to get out of bed sadly looks weren't The only thing Samuel got from Ash. he had unfortunately inherited his very bad habbit of sleeping in late Ash then said with a Sly grin that Serena didn't like but knew what was about to happen said." Go ahead and use the electric shock alarm clock Ash. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson." Ash then said." Let's go Pikachu. You remember what to do." Pikachu then hopped on Ash's shoulder and went up to his son's room and said." Pikachu!!!. Use thunder bolt!!!." (ZAP!!!). Samuel Then screamed saying." AHHH. Alright alright alright I'm up!!!. That really hurt though!!!." And Ash said." Well I had to get used to Pikachu doing it to me all the time so get used to it yourself. That's if you don't get up on time from now on!!!. Now get dressed and look presentable. It's your first day of school and professor oak doesn't like late students. And please don't run off without Greninja being with you. And stay away from the Tauros They can be very dangerous If you scare them." And Samuel said." Yes Dad. Now can we get going???." And Ash said." Ok. But we're going in style!!!." And Serena said." Why don't I like The sound of what you just said."  Serenity Then asked." What kind of style daddy???." And Ash said." Do you guys know who's three pokeballs these are???." And serenity said." We're going for a ride on blaze bolt and winter!!!. Yay!!!!. Who is riding on blaze who's riding on bolt and who's riding on winter???." And Ash said." Well serenity. You are riding with your mother on winter. I'll be on bolts back and your brother will be riding on blaze." Serenity and Samuel's eyes widened and Samuel said." Well what are we waiting for!!??. Hurry up!!!." Ash then threw the three pokeballs and said." Moltres Zapdos Articuno come on out!!!. Alright guys hop on." They All jumped on to the three legendary birds and flew off to The school.

Meanwhile at the lab of professor oak. The professor and his assistant Tracey were waiting for the Ketchum family to show up and Tracey said." Where are they???. Class is about to start and Ash said he'd be here!!!. does he have to be late for everything!!??." And professor oak said." OH you know Ash. He enjoys making a dramatic entrance" just then There were thunder and lightning clouds forming in the sky the air got really hot and The ground had snow All over it and Tracey said." OH come on!!!. Really!!??. The three birds of legend!!!." And professor oak said." I told you didn't I???. Welcome Samuel and serenity Ketchum. To The Pokemon academy of pallet town. All of The other students Then started whispering to each other and saying things like." I can't believe it!!!. It's really him!!!. The Kalos league champion!!!." And things like." Those Pokemon are amazing!!!." And others said."  I can't believe we're in the same class as the children of The Kalos league champion!!!." None of these comments went unnoticed by Ash as he said." Greninja come out!!!. " Greninja appeared and Ash said." Keep an eye on Samuel and serenity while their in class okay???." And professor oak said." Ash. I understand that you want to protect your children after the incident with your father. But aren't you going overboard with Greninja???." And Ash just gave professor oak a look that said." I have my reasons." Professor oak just nodded and said." Well then. I guess you All know who they are and I hope you treat them like any other person." A girl with bright orange hair in pony tails and the same blue eyes and outfit that Ash's friend Misty wore said." Hi there. My name is rain and I'm from cerulean city. My parents are Gary oak and Misty the water type gym leader. I hope we'll be able to be great friends." A boy who looks exactly like Brock accept for The spikey hair Wich was blue instead of brown said." Hello. My name is Bruno and my parents are The pewter city gym leader Brock and officer Jenny so you better stay out of trouble or else I will tell my mother." Professor oak then said." Wonderful. Now that introductions are over let's get started with class shall we???."  And Ash said." Well good luck Samuel and serenity. And remember. Your the future of the Ketchum family name. Wear it like you would your very first gym badge. With pride!!!." Ash then returned Moltres and Zapdos to their pokeballs and then he and Serena went back home on Articuno's back. Everyone was amazed at how beautiful and graceful they looked as they flew off and went back home while on their way home Serena looked at Ash and asked." Are you sure they will be safe with just Greninja watching Them???. Maybe we should have left delfox with serenity also." And Ash said." Don't worry Sweet heart. They will be fine. Greninja knows how to stay hidden quite well we'll check up on Them during recess this afternoon." And with Serena's worries put at ease they made it home in time to check up on Ash's other Pokemon. But when they got there they couldn't believe Who they Saw. It was Giovanni. The former head of the now disbanded team rocket Ash then said." Giovanni!!!. What do you want and why are you here???." And Giovanni said."  Your parents invited me to talk to you. Don't worry. I'm not trying to steal any of your Pokemon. After all. Why would I want to steal from my own GRANDSON???."


Cliff hanger time folks. Sorry.

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