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Princess Lucia stood infront of the full body mirror staring at her reflecting.She was now wearing a lovely maroon colored dress with white lining runningh around the arms and down towards the himm of the dress stopping there.And in her hair was small maroon comb which held her hair in two section beautifully.Euphemia smiled at her work while commenting"You look sobeautiful."She said as Lucia smiled kindly towards her friend while holding up the himm of the dress slightly while admiring the dress.She was taking Euphemia's advice.She would try to look on the bright side of the situation she was now in.And this to her was very difficult.But she had to make an effort.Euphemia was dressed in her normal attire to go with Lucia.She had made her a promise that until the wedding she would stay by Lucia's side nomatter what.Lucia smiled as Euphemia hugged her dear friend lightly before the door opened revealing Euphemia's Knight.The man that was completly terrified by the look in Lucia's eyes.But was now looking at her with desire.The same look Lucia has gotten from many men.


Instantly the glow of happiness on Euphemia's face brightened along with her mood as she happily pranced towards her Knight."Suzaku!Im so happy to see you!"Euphemia called as Suzaku smiled towards the happy Princess while bowing towards Euphemia and to Lucia."Suzaku this is my friend Lucia."Euphemia introduced as Suzaku nodded while walking towards Lucia who was not to thrilled to see his eyes wondering her body."Yes,it is a pleasure to meet oyu again.Princess Lucia."Suzaku greeted while bowing once more towards Lucia while Lucia nodded while Suzaku took hold of her hand while gently kissing it tenderly.Lucia growled while removing her hand from his own while replying"Yes,and to you as well Kururugi."She answered lowly as she then walked pass Suzaku and turned back towrds Euphemia."Euphie.Im going to find Schneizel."Lucia answered as Euphemia nodded while enterwining her arm while Suzaku while smiling brightly.Lucia sighed while walking out the door once again greeted by the hollow corridor which already she was sick and tired of seeing.She sighed while continuing her walk down the corridoor to meet a strange split in the corridoor which branched out to two diffrent coriddors.Lucia turned around abit confused but decieded to make her way to the left coridoor which led to an old wooden door which had been sealed by steel so no one would enter.Immidiatly she knew whose room it was and already tears began to roll down her cheeks.It wasLelouch's room.And this upset her greatly."Lelouch."She whispered while covering her sobbs with her hand trying her best to muffle out her horrid cries."Lucia."Called Schneizel from another corridoor as Lucia gasped while turning around and began to hurridly make her back to the previous corridoor she was in.Where there waiting in his royal attire was The White Prince Schneizel with a calm look planted on his face.

"Prince Schneizel!"Lucia exclaimed in a shocked manner completly entranced by his lovely attire.As Schneizel smiled calmly while making his way towards Lucia while gently caressing her right cheek."Now,now my Dear.Call me Schneizel."He reminded in an entrancing voice as Lucia nodded while blushing lightly.Now that she had taken a good look at this man he was hand crafted by God himself.And Charamatic.Prince Schneizel then gently planted a sweet kiss onto Lucia's hand."Now,let us leave.We have an interview."Schneizel remined as Lucia nodded as Schneizel placed Lucia's hand in his own as he led her through the long corridoor towards the opening of the palace where a long black and sleek limo awaited with Britannian flags blew in the front of the vehicle and Fante Flags in the back.Schneizel then opened the door allowing Lucia to crawl in first sitting herself on the cold leather seat,while Schneizel crawled in as well casually with a calm look on his face.Quickly the limo began to move as they cruzed through the city until coming in contact with a large station called the Leotagthe Station.Many Paparazzi awaited them with flashing camera's taking pictures of the limo from which had stopped at the front steps.Many people crowded the limo as Schneizel first stepped out of the limo elegantly while outstreching his hand for Lucia's which she eventually took as he gently lifted her out of the limo as flashes went off in their faces.Lucia sheilded her face with her arm as Schneizel shook his head while replying"Do not hide your beauty from others My Lily."He cooed as Lucia's face became hot with nervousness as many people commented on his words as Prince Schneizel and Princess Lucia his bride to be walked up the stairs and into the Station hand in hand.

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