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Today was the opening day for the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. A place where thousands and thousands of Japanese people waited with hope in their hearts. Hope that this was that they needed,a place to truly call home for their families. It was true that the Japanese did not have their entire country back but it was a start. It was a start for not just Japanese but for Japanese sympathizers. Like Lucia herself,since her conversation with Ayumi yesterday she had devised a plan for her and Kai's escape.

And to thank Ayumi for coming up with the idea of going to the zone. Lucia had granted Ayumi her freedom. Her loyal servant was free to do as she wished. And what she wanted most was to join her husband Hiro in the zone and live happily.Lucia acknowledged and understood and was happy to grant a friend such a freedom. And even though she was free to do what she wanted. To leave Lucia and Kai and never look back Ayumi sought to help them in anyway she could. And that was when the plan was concocted.

Lucia had told Kai to hide a spare change of clothes where he would find them in the dome. He did so without objecting, he knew his mother knew what was best for him. And what was best for him he felt was to be with her. And Lucia would make sure of that. Lucia also hid some clothes herself away and even dyed her hair black once more to blend in with the crowd. She also made sure she carried her green contact lenses to hid her strange amber eyes. When asked why she dyed her hair by Schneizel she merely answered "I thought it was time for a change is all." It appeared her abuser had bought her excuse and left her to get ready for the event.

Schneizel claimed he supported Euphemia and the zone. But said that he would be busy the day of of he opening and had ordered Lucia to attend in his stead. It was a way to show that both Britannia and Fante were behind the zone. And above all against discrimination which of course Britannia was greatly known for. For their unequal treatment of people, what a wonderful nation to live in. Not.

As part of the plan Lucia would dress in her royal attire and attend the opening Ceremony. But when the Japanese were allowed to enter the Zone she and Kai along with her still loyal friend Ayumi and her husband Hiro. The group would vanish in the sea of people. It was the perfect diversion and no one would be able to find them. Lucia smiled to herself as she and Kai were driven to the ceremony. Kai anxiously tapped his foot on the floor. Lucia knew that above all he was scared of being caught by Schneizel. He had seen the way she was treated by him. And he had every right to be scared.

Even so Lucia hated seeing him like this,she leaned over gently placing a reassuring hand on his."Its going to be alright. I promise."She told Kai with a warm smile,it had been forever since he had seen his mother smile and he just couldn't help but to feel safe and secure with her. Kai's bright emerald eyes seemed to smile up towards his mother as he hugged his mother. Careful of the many bruises that littered her pale flesh. Even innocent Kai prayed that today would be the last day that his mother would ever have to suffer.

He smiled as he felt Lucia run her fingers through his hair,massaging his scalp soothingly. "From here on...we will always be together right Okasan?" Kai whispered to his mother,she suddenly stopped stroking his head while biting her bottom lip. Lucia prayed that they would be together forever but something told her that she may not get her way. But she didn't want to worry the sweet boy. So she lied telling him everything he wanted to hear. She only meant to calm his little heart but still the uneasy feeling refused to leave Lucia. Deep down she knew something was about to happen.

Soon both Lucia and Kai arrived in the dome which was hosting the grand opening of the Special Zone. Already thousands of Japanese were present awaiting to be let into their new home. Euphemia's idea had brought so many people together. And by the look on her face she was happy. As soon as Euphemia spotted both Lucia and Kai she happily made her way to the two holding Lucia's hands. "Oh I'm so glad you came! This really means a lot to me,and the Japanese as well." Euphemia said with a smile as Lucia gently squeezed her friends hands replying"It's no problem,your brother Schneizel apologizes for not showing up."Lucia said in am almost robotic manner.

Euphemia peered to her friend curiously shaking her head. "It's alright as long as you and Kai are here." Euphemia said kneeling down to Kai who happily hugged Euphemia's waist calling her Auntie. Euphemia giggled as she hugged little Kai back,while Lucia watched the two. And the entire time she watched Euphemia all she could see was red. Specks of blood covered Euphemia's face and trademark pink dress which was ripped quite abit. She looked scary. Lucia stepped back abit alerting Euphemia who stared towards her in a confused manner. Asking if Lucia was alright.

Lucia shaken up abit nodded as she blinked a few times,sighing in relief as the image of her sweet friend faded. She had no idea why that image appeared,and of Euphie no less. Euphemia was the sweetest and kind hearted person Lucia knew in this world. But the vision she saw of her dear friend. An innocent smile plastered across Euphemia's blood stained face. It made no sense,she couldn't even hurt a fly so....then why was she covered in blood? Lucia took a deep breathe steadying her rapidly beating heart as she hurriedly took Kai by the hand tugging him away from Euphemia.

Deep down Lucia knew that being beside Euphemia was no where knew the safest place for Kai. The young boy looked at his mother in a confused manner as she bowed her head to Euphemia. Refusing to make eye contact with her as Lucia hurriedly led Kai away to their seats on stage. Which was now surrounded by a sea of Japanese people,both young and old awaiting for their miracle.

It was a miracle to others but the unsettling feeling Lucia felt remained as Kaguya Sumeragi,head of the Sumeragi household took her seat beside Lucia. The girl looked to be barely the age of 15 with long flowing ravenish blue hair,and the trademark emerald eyes that even Kai held. And for her young age she was very mature as she sat peering towards the people."Quite a gathering isn't it?"Kaguya asked with a smile as Lucia quickly regained her composer before answering cooly."Yes,and its a pleasure to meet you Miss Sumeragi." Lucia greeted respectfully as Kaguya smiled while waving her hand.

"The pleasure is mine,although we have a more important guest showing up soon." She pointed out as she peered up towards the sky where a large black and gold knightmare using a float system which allowed it to fly in the air made its way towards the dome. Euphemia's eyes widened as she ran to the edge of the stage while the camera zoomed in on the knightmare which of course belonged to Zero. A light smile appeared on Lucia's lips. Just knowing that he was close to her reassured her thayy she and Kai would be safe. No matter what.

The Japanese people became rilled up as they praised Zero for his arrival. "Zero,welcome to the Special Zone!" Euphemia greeted happily as Zero now stood in the large hand of the Knightmare. His cape flapping around in the breeze around him." Euphemia I request an audience with you alone."Zero declared as Euphemia stared"Just me?" "Yes,that's right." Zero said as immediately Euphemia's knight Suzaku Kururugi rose to his feet.

"Princess as your Knight I am against this. Please allow me to accompany you." Suzaku requested as Euphemia shook her head smiling"You worry too much Suzaku please trust me."She said with her trademark smile which still at the moment sent chills down Lucia's spine. She watched as Zero landed on the ground and walked to Euphemia but not before making eye contact with Lucia. Bowing his head and continuing to move,and it was then that the terrible feeling in the pit of Lucia's stomach increased drastically. Whatever it was,it was coming.

Quietly Lucia ushered Kai into the crowd with Ayumi and her husband Hiro for safe keeping. While she and the entire somee awaited for Euphemia to return with Zero. Moments later Euphemia emerged from the hall running with the hem of her dress in one hand and in the other a single gun. She then stopped in front of the microphone where immediately the camera zoomed in on her innocent face. But her words were anything but innocent. "Those of you who call yourselves Japanese could you all die?" The words left her lips and were hard for Lucia to swallow. The terrible feeling that Lucia had felt the entire day it appeared that it was centered around Euphemia and now everyone including herself and even Kai were in danger. Just what in the world had happened to her dear kind hearted friend? Whatever it was it was dangerous and it was time to act now.

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