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After 3 days away from school Lelouch had made a plan to infiltrate Narita. He had gotten Intel saying that his dear sister Cornelia would be there. And he had a few questions to ask his dear sister. The same questions he had when he was a child had yet to be answered. Who killed his mother Marianne The Flash? And why? In his youth his mother was such a sweet and gentle person. Always taking the time to care for him and Nunally with all her heart . And then one day their happiness was shattered. The day their mother was brutally murdered in a Britannian palace surrounded by guards was mind blowing. His mother was indeed a commoner at birth but had the rights of a Honorary Knight of Britannia. So why? Why was his mother so brutally murdered and in front of Nunally none the less. These questions continued to eat at Lelouch's insides for as long as he could remember. And hopefully tomorrow his questions would be answered.

But until then he would relax in the Black Knights hide out in Shinjuku until further notice. Lelouch knew he should return soon but he wasn't yet ready to return to the stale life of a Britannian student. Although he did miss Nunally and Lucia of course. Lucia,oh my did he miss her. It had been at least 3 days since he had seen her. Lelouch had become so accustomed to seeing her smiling face everyday at the student council meetings. It was almost addicting. The way her lips would curve into a smile when their eyes met was enough to make Lelouch's heart sore. Even though the two were unable to shoe how they truly felt about each other in public,alone from prying eyes the two would embrace. Oh how Lelouch had missed holding Lucia's slim warm body against his,just the thought of it made his body tremble. Her body seemed to fit perfectly against his own. Every single one of her curves seemed to as if they were the missing puzzle pieces to his own body. He needed her,just as much as he felt that she needed him. And being without her was killing him. Lelouch had told Lucia he would be away for a bit but he did not imagine that being away from her could be so painful.

Literally it was physically painful to be away from Lucia. Almost as if Lelouch's very own heart was yearning to be near his other half. The other half of his heart which he was sure that Lucia now owned. Lelouch sighed happily to himself at at he thought of soon being by Lucia's side. He had hoped to be done with his business with the Black Knights sooner but now that he had finally finished he looker forward to returning. To returning to Ashford,to see Lucia's smiling face that he knew would greet him. Already Lelouch was on his way out of the hideout, soon dressed in his academy uniform. He then adjusted his shirt collar before making his way out of the Shinjuku Ghetto soon making it back to the settlement where many Britannians roamed the streets. All conversing happily,but there always was that one Noblemen. That believed they were far above other people.

It was something that Lelouch absolutely could not stand about spoiled Britannians. He soo. Spotted a fairly tall man in his mid 40's in the distance. The man appeared to be a noblemen wearing high class attire,along with a steel cane adorned with silver and jewels. The man had a well trimmed crimson beard,and piercing green eyes that seemed to always look down on others. And it seemes that today his new target was a child. The angry man spouted nonsense about Britannia being surpreme and that it didn't matter if the child became an Honorary Britannian he would still be trash. The child released a shriek as he covered his head to sheild it from the oncoming blows from the cane above him. Lelouch became enraged as he marched over to the man fully planning to use his geass on the fool.

Only today Lelouch was beaten to the punch by an enraged voice of a woman that ordered the disgusting noblemen to stop. The man stopped beating the child for a moment to demand who spoke to him in such a manner. By now a crowd had formed around the idiotic man and child who trembled violent on the ground. The source of the voice came closer to the idiotic man revealing Lucia walking towards the scene dressed in her street clothes. Which consisted of a blush hued T-shirt,black tights,and a matching black colored skirt,along with black ankle boots. It was the first time that Lelouch had seen her in such a demanding manner. One fit for a Princess. She stood before the noblemen who glared towards her demanding once again to know who she was. "I am Lucia Sai Fante of the Fante Empire. And I am ordering you to release that child." She stated in a low tone as the man tensed up as he bowed respectfully towards Lucia almost kissing her feet in the process.

"Forgive me,forgive me your Highness." He begged as Lucia ignored the man while walking over to the badly beaten child. The child could be no more than 8 years old,his tan colored skin was covered in horrible bruises given to him by the noblemen. Lucia's heart almost shattered at the battered child,who now struggled to bow before her."Stop please."Lucia pleaded with the child who stared up towards her with warm emerlald eyes. That neither held and I'll will towards the noblemen. Which surprised Lucia,she would have expected to see hate in the child's eyes. Yet he just smiled towards her as if nothing had even happened. "What's your name?" Lucia asked the small child,the more she looked at him the more she could tell that he had not eaten for what appeared to be weeks. And the clothes he wore we very dirty but Lucia didn't mind that. "Kai." The small boy answered as Lucia smiled while placing a gentle hand on his head ruffling Kai brown locks. "Well Kai do you have a home?" She asked in a sweet tone as Kai stared towards Lucia shaking his head no. Lelouch continued to watch the scene from afar as Lucia gently took Kai by the hand as she pulled the boy up from the ground. Not caring that his hand was grimy from dirt,she only wanted to help the boy. "Then would you like to come home with me?" Lucia asked the boy who was bow near the brink of tears who nodded through his tears.

Lucia smiled warmly towards the child as she led him away from the crowd."Then let's go home Kai."Lucia said with  smile as the frail boy happily nodded.

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