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A few days had passed since Lucia was told of Lelouch's many secrets. The fact that he was Zero,his Geass power and along with C2 being a witch. An immortal one at that. But that didnt mean that her situation at her home with Schneizel really made much a difference. He was still very cruel to Lucia,using her whenever he wished. And then soon after tossing her to the side like a broken toy that needed fixing. She lay quietly in the mess of sheets next to Schneizel who had for once ordered her to stay by his side. He rarely did this. Only when he wanted her to do something for him but he remained silent. Schneizel quietly ran his hand down Lucia's side causing her to flinch as he made contact with the many bruises he had given to her.

"Has my treatment of you made you come to a realization?" He questioned Lucia once more. Schneizel always did this,whenever he had his fill,whenever he believed that he had truly broken Lucia's spirit he would ask this question. But Lucia knew the meaning behind the question. He wanted to know if he had won. Had his scheme to force Lucia to love him worked. Had she finally crumbled and surrendered to him. Schneizel had once told her that if she surrendered to him then all the abuse would stop. But Lucia knew better,she knew it was nothing but a ploy. A way to make her bend to his will. And she refused.

Lucia carefully turned on her side,so now she was facing the door. Which she desperately wanted to run to. She closed her eyes before making her voice barely audible. "You know my answer already." She breathed as a smirk appeared on Schneizel's lips as he roughly pinned Lucia to the mattress. She knew this would happen,every time she said no he would give her what he called "punishment". And what Lucia called " her own personal hell." "Then we shall continue." He whispered to her before swiftly plunging himself into Lucia once more as she gritted her teeth to fight back a cry. Sometimes she would think of saying yes just to get a break from her hell. But once again her pride would get the best of her.

Along with Lelouch's promise to free her,to free her from Schneizel. And any other ties that bound her to Britannia as a slave. Oh how she prayed that the day would come soon. Lucia remembered begging Lelouch when the day would come when she would be freed. But he told her nothing only thing her one thing."Don't go picking out your wedding dress just yet."Before ending the conversation. She admitted that she wasn't very pleased with Lelouch's answer but by the tone of his voice and the serious expression on his face she knew he was serious. And knew that she wouldn't make it to her wedding day. Which she prayed would never come.

Elsewhere C2 roamed the current Black Knights Base. Surprisingly they remained undetected in Shinjuku for quite sometime. It appeared that the name Zero had struck a cord in the Japanese people and they would never betray him. Lelouch tended to keep C2 at abit of a distance after the unveiled everything to Lucia. She explained that it was to solve a problem. To save their contract and keep a good head on his shoulders. But Lelouch was still mad. He told C2 he would tell Lucia her in he but she had rushed the process.

"Are you still angry?" C2 asked as she passed Zero who stopped in misstep. "No I merely wish you would have waited for my approval." Zero stated as he led the way to his private room. C2 quickly followed behind him as the automatic doors closed behind her. "I solved  problem,once again you are welcome." C2 stated as she plopped down on the long rectangular couch. "I never asked you to solve anything!" He exclaimed as he took off his mask tossing it onto the bed.

C2 smirked as she stretched out on the couch. "So you are angry?" C2 asked with a playful smile as Lelouch glared. "I would have taken care of it in time!" "But you didn't,and now she understands. You should be happy." C2 commented as Lelouch looked to the ground. She was right,Lelouch she be over thrilled that C2 had intervened. But he wasn't,he wasn't yet prepared for Lucia to know the truth and now he had to push his plans abit quicker than anticipated. He knew sooner or later he would need to put Lucia into play in the Black Knights. After all she was their supporter,money wise. Sooner or later she would be introduced to the Black Knights and become an official member.

"Your right I should be grateful to you." Lelouch said as he sat down on the couch in front of C2."About time you realized that."She commented as Lelouch smirked"Although I believe it's time to put my plan into action." He stated as C2 as she smiled"Operation Save The Queen?" She asked as Lelouch smirked to himself"That's right after all she is The Queen on my chestboard."Lelouch said with a smile.

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