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Elsewhere now soaring through the air in the Shinkiro, Lelouch and C2 sat. Surveying the battle from above while Lelouch ordered the members of the Black Knights. As if they were nothing more than mere chess pieces on a chessboard. Yet eaxk move was precise and with purpose. And with Toto the Miracle on his side along with his group the Black Knights were almost an equal match with Cornelia's forces. Well almost anyway.

It was true that Lelouch,as Zero had been ordering his troops on the battlefield but he and C2 were facing their own battle as well. The Britannian man whom Lelouch had humiliated many months ago had appeared on the he front lines. Known widely now as "Orange" a ploy that Lelouch has created to get his way. Orange or should he say Margrave Jerimiah has arrived. In a strange circular shaped Knightmare frame with amazing defense and offense specs. It even put a dent in the Shinkiro, despite both C2's and Lelouch's tactical piloting.

As the Shinkiro struggled to dodge Jeremiah's onslaught of attacks,Lelouch's phone was going off like crazy. But at the moment he had more important things to deal with. C2 immediately puller back the Shinkiro as she fired the Hadron Cannons, a devistaing attack that surprisingly missed its constant rotating target. "Aim for him!" "I'm trying,I don't see you coming up with anymore bright ideas Mr.Tactician." C2 pointed out in an annoyed manner before firing harkens towards the constantly spinning Knightmare frame.

"If anything we should be able to throw him off." Lelouch said as he informed C2 about his new plan that could possibly take Orange out of the picture."Quite an interesting plan,alright."C2 commented on,as she quickly fired the hadron canons behind Jerimiah. Loosening the already falling building which soon xollasped on top of him. Lelouch smirked to himself,glad that his plan of action worked. Before once again hearing his phone go off for the past 20th time. He sighed in annoyance recognizing the number belonging to Ohgi as he answered it.

"Yes,what is it?" "Zero,things are pretty bad here." Ohgi began his voice already in a panic as he paced around back as fourth as he spoke. "Calm down,what's this about?" Lelouch asked as Ohgi swallowed hard before answering. "Its um....its Lady Lucia." He began as immediately Lelouch's heart began to pound loudly in his chest. Anxiety quickly forming. "Tell me what happened." Lelouch breathed as Lelouch quietly gritted his teeth. "We found her unconscious in a student dorm room. She was badly injured with multiple bullet wounds all over her." Ohgi began as Lelouch steadied his beating heart.

"Is she conscious?" Lelouch asked as Ohgi nodded."Yeah, actually and she wants to talk to you."Ohgi said as Lelouch ordered him to put her on the line. Which Ohgi quickly complied, handing over the phone to the blood covered Lucia who struggled to heal herself. "Z-Zero?" Lucia breathed as Lelouch bit his bottom lip. "Lucia, are you healing?" He asked in a concerned manner as a weak smile appeared on her lips."Yeah,I wish I would have concentrated earlier but I'm alright but... We have a problem."She breathed as Lelouch gripped onto the phone tightly.

"Its Nunally! She's been kidnapped by...V2." Lucia breathed as Lelouch's eyes widened in pure terror. "V2?!" He exclaimed as C2's eyes widened."That name..are you absolutely sure?"C2 asked as Lucia nodded "Yes,he told me his name before he attacked me." "Then we do have a problem." C2 said as she leaned back in the seat.

"I don't know where he took her I'm....I'm sorry...Zero."Lucia breathed ashamed that she could not protect Nunally. " I will find her,don't worry. You did your best."Lelouch muttered almost able to hear the heart break in his voice. "I will....call you if I have another vision." Lucia whispered as she quietly ended the call. Wincing in pain as she felt the tissue begin to mend itself. Ohgi and the other continued to wrap her wounds with gauze as she slowly closed her eyes breathing slowly returning to normal.

She knew she had failed. She had failed herself and Lelouch. He wouldn't say it aloud but he was disappointed in her. Lucia bit her bottom lip quietly as once again the sick overwhelming feeling made its way into her mind. Soon an image of Euphemia's Knight, Suzaku Kururugi formed. He held a single gun in his hand aiming it towards Zero,who was now unmasked who appeared to be bleeding from his head. "Help me,help me save Nunally!" Lelouch screamed as Suzaku's grip on his gun shook violently."Your a plague! Your very existence is a sin! Don't you worry about anything! I'll take care of Nunally!!"Suzaku screamed as  Lelouch became enraged,screaming his name before drawing his own gun. And that was when the vision faded with only a scream that Lucia recognized as her own to comfort her.

Immediately her eyes flew open before she struggled from the confines of the couch. Where Ohgi and the others pleaded for her to rest but she ignored their words. Ordering them to ready her Knightmare which they hesitantly agreed to. The vision fresh in her mind. Just the thought of Lelouch dying made her heart skip a beat. He couldn't die. No it was more like she would never allow him to die. Not now. Not after finally finding eachother once again.

Lucia shook her head as she willed herself to her feet. Gripping onto her still bleeding abdomen as she struggled to her ready Knightmare frame. She shuffled inside, sitting at the controls. Her body slowly beginning to heal,although not fast enough to her liking. But enough for her to pilot as the machine roared to life before Lucia ordered it into the air. She knew where they would be. She knew where and when to stop Suzaku and save Lelouch. An island and there was only one island around them. Kamine Island.

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