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Lelouch carried Lucia back to Ashford Academy. She was still a bit shaken after the events. And who could blame her? She had been tricked into a dangerous situation where her life, along with Lelouch and the mysterious woman he called C2. And because of her choice she had left a now dead man in the ghetto. Lucia cringed at the thought as she buried her face into Lelouch's chest. Lelouch quietly explained that he was sorry. He was sorry for putting her in such danger. And he understood if she never wanted to see him again. Lucia laughed dryly into his chest as she whisperer"If you really thought something like that would scare me away from you...then your wrong."She answered as Lelouch sighed lightly as his grip on her tightened. He knew that Lucia was stubborn, even as children she was always the strong willed one. Lelouch couldn't help but to smile lightly at her response. Even with her life on the line she continued to be strong. In spite of it all.

Lelouch quietly carried Lucia soon stopping near the school gates out of sight. Gently Lucia was placed on the ground as C2 watched the two chuckling lightly "Such a lovey dove couple you are. Isn't that sweet?" She commented as Lelouch rolled his eyes in annoyance."Alright that's enough C2."Lelouch said as Lucia peered towards the strange C2 who's cold amber eyes seemed to be staring into her very soul. "C2,that's a..unique name." Lucia said with a light smile as C2 tossed her lime green hair commenting"Not really,I prefer it."She said as Lucia nodded towards the woman as Lelouch told her that C2 was a friend. A very close friend? That had to be kept secret which Lucia understood. She knew there was something not normal about C2 but quickly puahee the thoughts to the back of her mind. Figuring out that mysterious woman was not the most important thing right now. What was important was dealing with the paparazzi,and of course Schneizel.

Lucia watched as C2 and Lelouch ran to the back entrance of the school hopefully undetected while Lucia bit her bottom lip and stepped onto the academy grounds. Where immediately she was swarmed by dozens of reporters questioning her like there was no tomorrow. "Princess?! Where did you dissapeared to?" "Did you know your husband the Prince is frantically looking for you?" "Do you even care?" "Princess,why the sudden hair color change? Are you embarrassed by your natural hair color?" "Princess! Can I get a quote?" "Princess!" "Princess!" "Princess!" The reporters screamed as Lucia hurriedly made her way to the limo where her driver rushed to close the door locking the two safely inside. Yet it did not stop the reporters from surrounding the vehicle with the cameras flashing against the windows. "Drive please." She beckoned the driver,still sheilding her face from the bright flashes. The driver nodded as he quickly put the car into gear as the white limo soon rushed from Ashford Academy. Leaving dozens of reporters without a story. Lucia sighed in relief, leaning against the seat. For the first time today she was able to breathe. She closed her eyes for a moment only to be frightened by the strange glowing eyes of Mao that sent chills down her spine. That man,he was indeed insane and no longer a threat but she still felt scared.

Lucia had lied to Lelouch when he had asked if she was afraid. In reality she was scared out of her mind. That horrible thing of a man knew everything about her. Even things she had hoped to bury deep within her consciousness but he had brought it all to surface. And how? Because he claimed he could read minds,and she believed him. How else could he have known about her relationship with Lelouch? He was supernatural,and he also claimed that Lelouch was as well. But there was no way he could be,was it? Lucia had never seen anything strange with Lelouch as of yet. Only his strange friend C2,she was strange but it didn't mean Lelouch was like Mao. It couldn't. Lucia shook the thoughts from her mind as the limo soon pulled in front of the Britannian palace. Where waiting for her on the stone steps was her husband to be Schneizel. With a very displeased look on his face. Lucia sighed as she stepped from the limo as she walked to Schneizel who just looked at her up and down. "Where have you been?" He questioned lowly as Lucia walked pass the man simply answering "Out." And that was when Schneizel lost his cool. Before Lucia could even process what was happening she was grabbed by the shoulders roughly and pressed against the brick wall. She flinched in pain as she looked up towards Schneizel. His eyes were filled with pure anger,he had grown tired of Lucia's mouth and disobedience towards him. He had,had enough. "I have put up with your mouth and attitude Lucia long enough." He hissed as Lucia tried her best to squirm away only earning more pressure on her body. Keeping her in place.

"I did no such thing." Lucia countered with a cold smile as Schneizel angrily slapped her without thinking. Her eyes widened in shock and fought back tears as she touched her now red cheek. Schneizel lowered his hand as he glared towards her"You have one more time to disobey me Lucia,and I will break you."He told her angrily as he released her from the wall,while stomping back inside. Lucia gritted her teeth in anger as she rubbed her shoulders already feeling a new bruise forming. What Schneizel had just done only fired the hatred that was inside her. He thought because she was his bride to be meant he could do whatever he wanted to her. My was he wrong. Lucia glared as she made her way into the palace, rushing upstairs as she locked the door behind her. She hated him,more than she had ever hated anyone in her life. She had never wished any harm on anyone but now he had pushed her. Lucia sat down on her large queen sized bed with her laptop in hand. She quickly typed her password on the keyboard. As the laptop screen lit up brightly revealing her back transaction this far. Last week she had wired"$250,000" to the account called "Wolf" and she believed I was a time to make another transaction to the account. The account name "Wolf" was obviously a cover name but even so Lucia knew exactly who she was sending money to. Zero. The Britannian Empires enemy,The mass Terrioist. She knew this and she continued to send him money to further his plans. Because she a Princess also wanted the destruction of Britannia. Lucia quickly typed the number "$140,000" into the system and pressing the accept button as she had once again sent money to him. And she hoped that maybe one day he would succeed and make her dreams come true.

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