Authors Note!

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Hello everyone I just wanted to say a few words before we jump into the one-shots!

First off, there is NO SMUT in this story. There is cursing, however! There might be a few small romance one-shots, but we will see how this all plays out!

Second off, I'm going to be asking your guy's help A LOT! Polls, opinions, writing prompts, and so much more! It will all be available on my Instagram ( @_sybilline_ ) so if you want to keep up to date with the one-shots along with my other stories be sure to check it out! I also have my original art posted there! I might include some original art here, but it will be clearly posted as my art. If it does not say that it is clearly mine, then it is not my work!

Last thing! I am going to be starting much longer spanned and professional KOTLC fanfic soon and am in the process of writing it! Be sure to check out my other stories as well!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy One Family (KOTLC One-Shots)



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