You are getting me a what?!

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Hey everyone! So I am still out right now visiting my father (He says hi by the way!) and away from my original computer. But I was talking with dad, and I told him that I am saving up for a laptop so I can bring my school work and writing mobile. You will never guess his response.

"So yeah, I am saving up for a laptop. I have been writing in my journal like a peasant and I will have to type it all in later." I complained, scrolling on my phone.
"You got all A's and B's in school right Mallory?" My father asks, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Yeah?" I answered, confused about where this is going.
"As a gift, how about I get you a laptop?" Her father asked, his eyebrows down in thought. My mouth was wide open in shock.
"W-what?" I stuttered out.
"Yeah, why not? Chromebooks are quite cheap and should get the job done for yo-" He was cut off by my squealing.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I yelled in excitement.
Cut to me awkwardly sitting in Best Buy and being impressed by my father's knowledge on computers. About 30 minutes later, I am holding my brand new laptop in my hands.

So, thanks to my dad, I can now write on the go! YAY! So I am planning on updating the KOTLC One-Shots first to finish the Elag Gala on that story, and then I am going to focus on Assassins of Dusk. But those chapters won't be coming out for a little bit, so I am going to post some other little ones on my One-Shots to make up for it. The last Elag Gala chapter should be published in the next couple of days along with some short chapters shuffled in there, and then Assassins of Dusk is going to be my main priority. Along with creating an updating schedule that I will stick too. But I won't disappear from my one-shots completely just be updating them a lot less.

Now with that explanation out of the way, let's get writing! Please remember to vote and share with others! It helps me keep on writing and creating new stuff!

See you soon,

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