Elag Day (part 2)

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Btw I had trouble putting the photos of the dresses in and I don't know if they will show up or not so if they don't comment and I will try to fix it. 

Sophie looked on in delight at Atlantis. She expected more pompous elves trying to sell her dresses that are too short or heels that are too high. But she was pleasantly surprised when she light beamed into Atlantis to find little homemade stalls lining the streets with vendors of different races, nationalities, and religions (A/N As you can tell diversity is really important to me in my writing). All different types of races were swarming around the stalls and stores, busily chatting, and bargaining.  Biana and Linh could sense Sophie's amazement and shared a knowing look. 

"Okay, here is the dealio. We go shopping for the gala first than we can shop around afterward." Biana explained. Sophie and Linh agreed, and they decided to walk to the shop Biana recommended first. It was an elegant place with large sleek columns decorating the outside and holding up balcony which housed various plants and greenery. A small sign above the door read "Lith's Livery" in clean black letters. The plants helped diffuse the sleek and modern design of the original building. They walked through the transparent door and were pleasantly greeted by-

"BIANA! I should have known you were coming in!" A shrill voice called out from behind the counter. Biana giggled and walked over. The woman was at least 5'1 with massive hair and a poofy dress. The woman had her back to Sophie and Linh and was excitedly chatting with Biana. Biana suddenly pointed at the two girls and ran over to grab their hands. 

"Reese, please meet Linh and Sophie." Biana introduced them. They both awkwardly waved and the woman. She had a mature yet alive face, littered with freckles. She had a caramel skin tone, which made her red hair feel even more active. She had delicate blue eyes and...

"Are those cat ears?" Sophie asked, genuinely confused at the bright red furry ears that were sprouting from her head matching the fiery red head of hair. Sophie just noticed a matching red tail sprouting from behind her, moving and acting as its own limb. 

"You are a Lith!" Linh announced, her voice raised in surprise. The woman let out a hearty laugh.

"Yup! Hard to find my kind around these parts. We mostly like to stay in our homeland, but I wanted to spread my creations beyond the borders of that little space we were all pushed into once those treaties were signed." Reese explained, heading behind a counter to grab a measuring tape.

"Wow, that is so admirable. So you sell dresses here in Atlantis?" Sophie asked, honestly interested in learning about a new species. 

"Yes, ma'am. I have been working here for-" She stopped to count on her fingers. "647 years!" She announced, pulling Biana up onto a stand. Both Sophie and Linh's jaw went slack.

"Lith age very slowly."Biana reminded, raising her arms so Reese could measure her waist.

"Alright ladies, I have done the Elag Gala too many times to count, but this year I really want to step it up. I already know Biana's style very well, so she doesn't have to do it, but I want you to find those forms on my desk and fill them out. They will help me get a better grasp of what you want."Reese asked, quickly pointing over to her desk. Sophie and Linh picked up the forms and set to work. 

Linh and Sophie completed the forms after about an hour. The questions varied from what your favorite color to wear is to how you feel glitter reflects in the light of the sun and if it should continue to be a popular trend. During that time, the girls drank tea and chatted amongst one another, becoming very close with Reese during the process. Reese took in Biana's suggestions and brought out many dresses for her to try.

"Actually, I was hoping for something that might bring my curves out more?" Biana asked, her ears turning the slightest shade of pink.

"Oh ho ho? Trying to impress somebody, are you?" Reese questioned.

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