Chapter Two

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Alexander was hastily scribbling at his desk. He heard someone knocking and he ignored it, knowing Eliza was closer to the front door. When the knocking became more insistent, he huffed and called out to his wife. "Eliza! Someone's at the door!" Another knock, more of a banging this time, then the doorbell. "Eliza!! Philip?!" He heaved a deep sigh and placed his quill in the inkwell. "Am I the only one with ears in this household?" He stomped over to the door and yanked it open. He instantly wished it had gone unopened. "Thomas." He frowned. "What a lovely surprise."

Jefferson smirked. "You know your left eyebrow twitches when you are lying." Alex opened his mouth to protest but Jefferson cut him off. "It is okay if you are not pleased to see me Alexander. I am not here for you."

"And just what exactly would you be here for?"

"Thomas!" Hamilton's wife called from behind him. "How lovely to see you again!" Eliza scampered over and gave him a warm hug as Alex bristled. "I'm so sorry I didn't hear you ring. Philip and I were in the garden. Would you like a cup of tea? I'll go fix one for you. Here, let me get your coat." Jefferson handed her his rather audacious frock coat with a smile that Hamilton thought was reminiscent of a viper. "Have a seat in the study, sir. I'll bring in some refreshments."

Thomas sauntered down the hallway out of view and Alex rolled his eyes. "Eliza, you don't have to do that you know. Treat him like he's royalty and we are just SO pleased to have him in our humble abode."

"I most definitely DO have to do that, darling husband. All guests in our home get treated with the utmost respect and hospitality, whether they are royalty or paupers. It is simply the proper, polite thing to do. Put your petty differences aside and remember your manners while we entertain the Vice President." She hung up Jefferson's coat and walked to the kitchen.

"Our differences are certainly NOT petty." Alexander mumbled and walked slowly to the study.

Philip was already inside, sitting beside Thomas who was very animatedly talking about something or other. Alex slumped into an oversized chair near the fireplace. "You know more than half of what Mr. Jefferson says is untrue."

Philip looked over at his father then back at their guest questioningly. Thomas did not seem bothered. "Your father views all opinions not shared by him to be lies." Alex opened his mouth to protest but Jefferson cut him off for the second time. "It is not his fault. He has not traveled the world like I have. It causes him to be a bit more closed-minded."

"Oh please- like baudy nights in Paris make you some sort of high-minded-"

"Gentlemen!" Eliza stopped her husband from continuing. She set the tea tray down on the small table in front of the sofa and handed out small cups and saucers. She then presented their guest with a small plate of pastries.

Thomas's eyes lit up. "Meringues! My favorite!"

Eliza seemed pleased. "Yes, I heard they have been a staple in your home since you brought the recipe back from France. I've been trying my hand at them for when you come visit."

"You are an angel, Mrs. Hamilton." He smiled warmly at her. She grinned and offered the plate to her husband. Alex, wondering why his wife had taken a sudden interest in the goings-on at Monticello, took a molasses-infused delicacy covered in powdered sugar while Philip grabbed a honey-jumble cookie.

While sipping his tea, the older Hamilton glared at his foe who was obnoxiously humming his delight at the dessert. As Thomas made quite the show of licking his fingers, Alex couldn't hold his tongue any longer. "Why are you here, Jefferson?"

"AH!" Thomas turned toward him. "I am so glad you asked! My business here is actually regarding your brilliant son here."

"Me?" Philip's eyes were wide.

"Indeed." He smiled at the young man.

"What do you want with Philip?" Alexander dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a linen napkin.

"I wanted to offer him an internship."

"Really?" Philip's face brightened.

"No." Alex's voice was low.

"Alexander... don't be so hasty." Eliza smiled softly. "A position in the office of the Vice President. That could be a wonderful opportunity."

"This is what I was thinking." Jefferson agreed. "Are you interested in politics, Philip?"

"He has been studying law. He is to become a lawyer like his father." Hamilton said sharply.

"Isn't the law also what you studied?" Thomas asked.

"Yes." Alex said tersely.

"And yet you served in the Washington administration for almost five years?"

Alexander clenched his jaw.

"I am interested in politics. I'd love to someday hold office and try to shape this nation like my father did."

"Wonderful, I thought that might be the case." Thomas grinned. "And since Alex is no longer involved in the business of running this country..."

"I said no."

All three of them looked at Alexander.

"Pop." Philip looked disappointed.

Alex hated to see him down but no way would he send his son into that snake pit. "I'm sorry, son. I just don't think-"

"You really are going to let your pride get in the way of Philip's future?" Eliza tried to keep her tone measured but her husband sensed her irritation.

"Eliza... if Philip really is interested in government then I have plenty of... friends... in the capital who will gladly let him be on their staff."

"None of your friends are the Vice President."

Thomas could barely hide his mirth. "She has a point, Alexander."

Hamilton sat back and attempted to not sulk. "You really think your life would be improved by spending time each day with this man, Philip?"

"I think..." Philip tried to be very careful with his words. "I could probably learn plenty of things that aren't taught in school."

Eliza looked at her husband hopefully.

"Fine." Alexander nearly spit the word out. "But if I so much as sense your influence on my son, he will never be allowed in your offices again."

"Fair enough." Thomas set his teacup on the small table and stood up. "Monday morning, Philip. 7 a.m. sharp."

"I'll be there." The younger Hamilton sprang to his feet. "Thank you, sir."

Eliza strode into the hallway to fetch their guest's coat and Jefferson turned to Alexander. "I appreciate you finally seeing the opportunity I may provide for Philip."

Alex got up and tugged on his waistcoat to straighten it. "I don't like it one bit. But I will also not punish my son for our years of disagreements. Do well by him, Thomas."

Jefferson smiled wide and gave Alex a dramatic bow. "But of course. Good day, Hamiltons."

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