Chapter Seven

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Philip walked up the stairs that led to Jefferson's building. He was feeling even more prurient than usual and he had to admit some of that was on account of his own appearance. He was wearing a new jacket that he had custom made for himself. It was silvery blue, almost lilac in a certain light. He thought it was quite fetching and he was eager to show it off. His father had glowered at him when he came downstairs for breakfast, and a small, dark part of Philip loved it even more so because of his Alexander's disapproval.

He walked into Thomas's office and the older man almost tripped from trying to stand up too quickly.

"My god Philip! You are a vision! That coat is exquisite!"

The young Hamilton smirked. "You think so? My father hates it."

Jefferson mirrored his half-smile. "Well, the less we say about Alexander's taste the better, no?"

Philip chuckled and gently shut the door and locked it before strolling behind Thomas's desk and pressing a small kiss to his lips. "I wanted to look extra nice for you today."

"You did?"

"Yeah." Philip gave him that big, beaming smile that seemed to radiate straight to Thomas's soul. "You said you had something special planned for me."

"I do." Thomas's voice didn't have the cheerful cadence it usually did when speaking to Philip. "But first, we must get through a rather busy schedule."

The younger man gave him a dutiful nod and started getting the papers on Jefferson's desk in order for their morning meeting.

They had a quick lunch and after two more meetings and a heated debate with Secretary Wolcott, Jefferson declared them done for the day.

"Already?" Philip was suspicious.

"Yes. Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"Dinner? Out?"

"Yes, at the Yorkshire Hotel."

"That's... the most extravagant place in the city."

Thomas nodded. "Yes, well, I want to do something special for you. Lovely ambiance, the fanciest food, finest wine, all that."

"So... like a date?"

"No." Thomas gently chided him. "You know as well as I do, we mustn't ever refer to it as a date." Philip looked at him skeptically. "I am merely showing you my appreciation for the all the hard work and help you have provided while interning in my office."

"At a place dripping with elegance and prestige?"


"So... like... a date."

Thomas grinned and scrunched up his nose. "Yeah, like a date."

Philip giggled and kissed him quickly. "Well, then what are we waiting for?"

They strolled out of the office and to the small desk in the antechamber where Jefferson's assistant sat. "Jonathan, Philip and I are going to get something to eat. Finish up and lock the doors. I shall see you on Monday."

As they exited and made their way into Thomas's carriage, they sat opposite each other and Thomas did his best to look out the window. Philip was having none of it. He stared at the other man, eyeing him up and down with a smirk.

"Stop." Thomas whispered without glancing over.

"Stop what?"

The older man turned to him. "Stop looking at me like you're about to pounce."

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