Chapter Five

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Thomas stood in front of the enormous mirror that hung above the fireplace in his office. He fixed his collar, pulled the lace cuffs of his shirt out from the sleeves of his frock coat, and caressed his hair until it was just so. He sighed, finally satisfied with his appearance and waited. His assistant entered and told him his intern had arrived. "Excellent." Jefferson grinned. He sat behind his desk and watched the door. Philip entered and Thomas stood up. "Good morning little Ham-" He stopped short and his smile quickly faded.

His Philip was not alone.

"Alexander." The word was spoken with utmost disappointment. He cleared his throat and forced himself to appear civil. "To what do I owe such an honor?"

"You can eschew etiquette, Jefferson. I'm not here for pleasantries. Merely to observe. Make sure my son is not... wasting his time."

"Of course." They looked at each other and Jefferson spoke first. He looked through a pile of papers and found what he was looking for. "Well, since you are here, perhaps you can proofread something for me. I was up late last night drafting this and would like another pair of eyes. If you wouldn't mind, of course."

The older Hamilton smirked. "Certainly. It would give me no greater pleasure than to point out all your mistakes."

Jefferson forced a smile and handed him the folder full of parchment. "Now, if you will excuse me, I want to review my appointments with my secretary." He waited until Alex was situated at a side table with his spectacles firmly resting on the bridge of his nose, quill ready to notate any and all errors. He gave Philip a look and nodded his head towards the door. The younger man followed him into the hallway and Thomas walked until he thought they were out of earshot of his old nemesis. He turned to him; his annoyance thinly veiled. "A bit of warning would have been nice."

"I didn't know he was going to come until this morning, I swear. I tried to tell him his presence wasn't necessary but--I'm sorry. He insisted. You know how he gets."

Thomas huffed but Philip was right. "Indeed, I do."

"Are you angry?" Philip looked up at him.

Thomas cursed his sentimental heart that seemed to melt every time he stared into Philip's shimmering gaze. "Of course not, love." He whispered.

Philip smiled and Thomas thought it was surely brighter than the sun itself. "Good." Was the lad's maddeningly simple reply. Philip hazarded a step closer, their bodies far too close to one another. "I wouldn't want you to be upset with me." He took another, dangerous step closer and Thomas felt the hairs on his neck stand up in response to the warm breath caressing the small bit of exposed flesh above his collar.

"Damn it all, Philip. I swear you'll be the death of me."

Philip smiled wickedly as he pulled away to stare into Thomas's libidinous gaze. "Then what a sweet end you shall have." He turned and headed back to his father as Thomas watched him go.

"Mr. Vice President." His aide had somehow walked up beside him without Jefferson realizing and he nearly leapt out of skin.

"Good god, Jonathan you startled me."

"Sorry sir. I only meant to inquire if you would like a special lunch prepared for former secretary Hamilton."

"Yes. Something ostentatious. Finest silver. French china. All of that." Jonathan nodded and Jefferson started walking back to his office, mumbling under his breath. "Damned inconsiderate of him to show up without notice."

"Oh. He sent a letter yesterday saying he would be paying you a visit, sir."

Jefferson turned around quickly to face him. "He did what now?"

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