Chapter Four

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Philip watched as the last of the others left. He sprang out of his chair and locked the door. He turned around and saw Jefferson looking out one of the large windows, admiring the fading light of dusk.

Philip came up behind him, wrapping his arms around Thomas's waist and let them glide slowly up the other man's chest. His long fingers flexed over the silk-covered skin and he tilted his head up to whisper in his ear. "Finally. I thought they would never leave."

Thomas took one of Philip's hands in his own and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss to his wrist. "You must learn patience, Philip. The anticipation makes everything so much sweeter."

"Are you kidding?" Philip snorted out. "I've spent the last hour in agony, watching the clock and trying to hide my arousal."

Jefferson turned around with a smirk. "Is that so little Hamilton?" His fingers skimmed down Philip's shirt and rested on the waistband of his breeches.

Philip took his hand and, without breaking his gaze on Thomas guided it lower. "Not so little." He purred.

Thomas couldn't stop the soft moan the spilled from his lips. "You locked the door?" Philip nodded. "Good." He loosened the cravat around his neck and tossed it to the side. He started to unbutton his shirt then drew the curtains closed. Philip shirked off his waistcoat and yanked his shirt over his head. Thomas inhaled sharply at the perfection that was suddenly revealed to him. The younger man had to the audacity to chuckle at his reaction and Thomas was swiftly in front of him. He placed the tips of his fingers over Philip's mouth. "You'll have to be quiet, you know."

Philip kissed the digits pressed against his mouth. "I know." He replied, seemingly unconcerned.

"I daresay it won't be easy. Not with you teasing me all damn day."

Philip feigned innocence. "What do you mean? All I did today was try to learn all I could about you. From you, I mean. So much lovely governing."

"Mmm-hmm." Jefferson pretended not to be amused. "And how many times did you pretend to drop something and slowly pick it up?"

"Oh, I'm very clumsy." His eyes glittered. "My apologies if it flustered you."

"Flustered me? I damn near had to cancel my meeting with Secretary Pickering just so I could have time to... compose myself."

Philip's smile grew wider. "Well now we are finally alone together. You can release that pent-up libido and have your way with me." He draped his arms around Thomas's neck and pressed himself wantonly against the other man's frame.

Thomas narrowed his eyes. "You are entirely too forward. One would almost be tempted to question your upbringing."

"And you are entirely too verbose." Philip's thumbs stroked Thomas's jawline. "I didn't squirm through hours of meetings and policy discussions just to engage in verbal discourse."

Jefferson bit down on his tongue. He feared he had underestimated his intern. Why had he been so foolish to imagine himself as the one wielding control? The lad was dangerously close to making him stutter, his thoughts all scattered in a haze of lust and this endless, aching need to taste and touch every inch presented to him.

And so he did; taking a step back, he slowly undid the rest of his buttons and let his shirt fall to the floor. He unfastened his pants and they pooled around his ankles. He dropped to his knees and relieved Philip of the rest of his garments as well. He placed a trail of kisses up the younger man's stomach and all the way to his shoulders. He scraped his teeth gently over Philip's throat and let his tongue caress the soft spot under his ear. Philip whimpered and Thomas was quick to cover his mouth with his hand. "Must stay quiet." He peered into the other man's eyes and his gaze reflected a deep, fiery longing that made Philip shudder.

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