Chapter Three

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Jefferson clapped a hand on Philip's shoulder as they watched the last of the senators leave his opulent office. "Not bad for a first day, eh?"

Philip looked up at him. "You're busy almost every minute of the day! You were even writing something while you let me eat some lunch."

"Just the beginnings of a draft of a small piece of legislation. Nothing too important."

"My dad always said you were lazy and pompous. But, you work as hard he does."

"Well... perhaps your father lets our political disagreements affect his personal feelings towards me. I don't blame him. He is very passionate. He cannot separate one's views from who they are. It is how he sees himself. He IS his work. His accomplishments are the only lasting thing. At least, that is what he believes. But I wager there are less tangible things that carry weight. How you affect others, the change you can instill on those you love."

"But that stuff doesn't get you statues or streets named after you."

"I am more concerned with liberty of my fellow citizens than the roads they walk on." He felt the beginnings of a diatribe bubbling up but decided against it. "But all that discussion is best left for a day where we haven't worked ten hours." He smiled and walked over to the large mahogany cabinet that dominated a corner of his office. "May I pour you a glass of cognac to celebrate your first day?"


"Good...but be careful. This stuff is strong." He handed Philip a crystal tumbler filled with the honey-colored liquid. "Lafayette introduced me to this when we were in Paris together."

"Lafayette? My father talks about him all the time!" Philip took a small sip and tried not to wince when his throat burned.

"Yes. An incredible man. I fear America may not have won their independence without him." Jefferson opened up the top drawer of his desk and rifled through some of the papers. "Would you like to see something?" Philip came over behind him. Thomas placed a piece of parchment on the desk. "Here. A letter I received from the Marquis a few years ago."

Philip poured over it and then looked at Jefferson wide-eyed when he saw where the missive had come from. "Wait... he was imprisoned?"

"Regrettably so. Without direct support and aid from America, the revolution in France did not go entirely as Lafayette had foreseen. He was rounded up along with other members of the nobility and placed in jail."

"What? Did father know?"

Thomas shrugged. "Your father is always busy. Apparently too busy to concern himself with former comrades."

Philip's eyebrows knitted in consternation. He leaned over to get a closer look at the letter and coincidentally pressed his body against the older man's shoulder. He let a moment pass before pushing himself harder. Jefferson closed his eyes for a moment before speaking softly.

"Philip. What are you doing?"

"Trying to get a better look."

Thomas smirked. "At what?"

"The letter."


Thomas had no idea how close Philip was to his face until the younger man whispered and his breath was warm against his ear. "You don't believe me?"

Jefferson turned to look at him and their faces seemed merely an inch apart. Thomas spoke softly. "Philip, why did you come here?"

The younger man smiled at him challengingly. "Why did you invite me?"

Thomas clenched his jaw and swallowed hard. "You intrigue me. You have since the night we spoke on the balcony of your parents' house."

Philip bit his lower lip and looked down, his long, dark lashes fanning against his cheek. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night. I thought it was just me and I tried to forget about it and then you showed up again and—"

Thomas reached out and took the young man's hand in his own. He let a moment pass with nothing spoken between them then brushed his thumb across Philip's knuckles. "I have contacts at your school. I inquired about you. It seems you are a remarkable student. One of the smartest in your class." Philip beamed. "And also... a reputation for being a bit of a rake."

The younger man shrugged. "If girls are willing... who am I to say no?"

"Just girls?" The words tumbled out before Thomas could stop himself.

"Mostly." Philip responded. Thomas arched an eyebrow and Philip playfully smacked his shoulder. "I'm not a complete libertine." He tried to defend himself. "I'm just saying you wouldn't be my first."

Thomas tried to sort through the jumble of feelings that presented themselves. Clear thoughts were proving difficult though. The young Hamilton was maddeningly distracting. How could he be expected to compose himself when those eyes of jade green stared back at him? When those full lips curled into a suggestive smile? When those dark ringlets of hair fell across perfect cheekbones and freckled forehead?

"You really are quite brazen, you know. This behavior is simply audacious. Here. With me. A man you hardly know. And on your very first day." Philip gave him a sly smirk and shrugged. Jefferson shook his head and chuckled lightly. "Cocky, confounding, and contumelious. You really are a Hamilton."

Philip leaned closer to him, lips almost touching the older man's. "Isn't that part of the thrill?"

Thomas took a deep breath. He was unsure if he ever felt this close to fainting before. When he finally was able to speak again, he made sure his gaze was steady. "Whatever happens, Philip... discretion must be of the utmost importance."

"Of course." Philip took the hand that was resting on his own and interlaced their fingers. "Have you forgotten my upbringing? From my earliest days I have been reminded of the importance of one's reputation."

Jefferson brought Philip's hand up to his lips and placed a quick kiss to it. "I still expect you to work, you know. You will receive no special treatment while others are around." Philip nodded his understanding. Thomas knew if he didn't send the young man away now, he would do something regrettable. "Well, that will be all for today, Philip. Best not to invite suspicion... yet."

Philip nodded his agreement but took his time disentangling himself from his mentor. "See you tomorrow?"

"Bright and early."

Thomas watched as Philip gathered his belongings and walked out of his office. He sank into his desk chair and finished the rest of his cognac with one gulp.

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