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We finally arrived in the Park with the fresh air meeting our skin. I took a glance of her and enjoyed the view. She's beautiful but i know deep inside her was a bunch of knives and swords.

I automatically made a desicion, Its to protect her from getting hurt whether its physical or emotional. I'd be there to be a shoulder to cry on. How can i say?


How can i?


What shall i do?

"Park Jaehyung!"

"How can i--" i utter knowing it was her who is calling me "Im sorry what was it?"

"Nothing" she said lowly as she put her head down. I felt guilty, now i blame my mind. I hate you brain

"Im sorry, do you need anything? something? someone?"

She puts her head up again "I just want to ask if you're okay, i mean you look at me for about a minute before, need something?"

"Do i need something?" i pointed at myself "Me?" i let out a nervous laugh "No no! I dont need something how about you?"

"Uhm, can we walk around like what you said..wait until the sunset" she said softly.

I nodded as responce.

As we walk, it was silent as usual.

"Y/N" i called her sofly yet in low tone "What do you prefer to a man? Ideal man something?"

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