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Gaea was the goddess of nature and animals. She never enjoyed wearing shoes because she loved the feeling of grass between her toes. Some people found her odd, but most people loved her because she was undeniably kind and loving to all creatures and people.

She had never encountered Loki in all of her years living. She lived in the forests of Asgard because she simply loved nature far too much. Most Asgardians who knew or didn't know her visited her because she always had gifts and treats for them.

She loved it when children visited her. She would have different types of treats each day until she ran out of ideas and repeated the cycle. There would always be flowers blooming for Asgardians to take and bring into their home for a small splash of color.

All the bakers claimed she was ruining their business, but she merely laughed and gave them a treat. Of course, they could easily make that treat themselves, but they still accepted it because it was from Gaea, after all.

Gaea smiled happily as she sat in the middle of the woods. There was a circle of flowers surrounding her. She picked flower after flower, braiding them to make flower crowns. She had made many so far - enough for half the children - but she still had more to make.

She had her own crown on top of her head. The children had jokingly said she was the queen of the woods. She laughed along with them, but they didn't know how true that seemed to be.

"That seems like a lot of work."

Gaea turned around. "Oh - hello, Prince Loki. What are you doing so far from the palace?"

"You know who I am," he stated as she slowly walked closer to her.

She smiled. "Of course. Who doesn't? Would you like to join me?"

A section of the flowers levitated and floated into the air, creating a barrier for Loki to enter through. He walked through the flowers and sat down next to her.

"Is this all you do?" Loki asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Play with flowers?"

"Oh." She tilted her head. "I suppose so. I haven't really thought much of it."

"You haven't?" he asked. He looked into her mind. "Ah. I see."

"And what do you see, Lord of Mischief?" Gaea asked. "My darkness secrets, my worst nightmares?"

"Quite the opposite. You're very odd," Loki retorted.

"Am I? I think I'm rather sane."

She lifted a newly finished flower crown and placed on Loki's head. He flinched at the sudden contact of her skin against his skin but soon relaxed.

"A crown fitting for a king," she said.

He stayed silent at that, but she didn't mind. She liked the silence because she would be able to hear the chirps of the birds and the rustles of the tree leaves.

"My brother will be king," Loki finally said. "In a few months or so. I know our father will pick him."

"And why do you say that?"

"You're a stranger. Why do I have to tell you anything?" he retorted.

Gaea shrugged nonchalantly and continuing braiding flowers. "I suppose you're right. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"Thank you. Well, what about you? Why are you alone here?"

"I'm not alone. Don't you hear the birds and the trees? They speak to me," Gaea explained.

Loki looked up at the trees and squinted at the slight sunlight that invaded his face. "No, I can't hear them. Can you?"

"Of course, I can. They don't call me the goddess of nature and animals for nothing, Prince Loki."

TWO SIDES OF A MIRROR. ❪ Loki Laufeyson ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now