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Loki, looking apprehensive, walked alongside Gaea as they crossed the icy surface of Jotunheim and into Laufey's temple. Darkness shrouded the ruined temple, save for the shafts of light which weaved their way through the damaged ceiling. Frost Giant guards surrounded Gaea and Loki on all sides. Laufey approached, towering over them menacingly.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you," Laufey commanded.

"We've come to make you another proposition," Loki said.

"So you two are the ones who let us into Asgard," Laufey said.

"I had nothing to do with it," Gaea said.

"And who are you?"

"No one of importance," she replied.

"Whether it's of importance or not, my men are dead, and I have no Casket. You are a deceiver," Laufey insulted.

He lashed out, reaching out for Gaea's throat, but Loki latched onto Laufey's wrist, stopping him from touching her.

"You have no idea what I am," Loki growled. "So I would advise you to not touch her." The color blue spread across Loki's face, as Laufey and the guards stared in shock. "Hello, Father."

Loki released Laufey's wrist and his body turned back to normal. Laufey sized Loki up.

"Ah, the bastard son. I thought Odin had killed you. That's what I would have done. He's as weak as you are."

"No longer weak. I now rule Asgard, until Odin awakens. Perhaps you should not have so carelessly abandoned me," Loki retorted.

"Or perhaps it was the wisest choice I've ever made. I will hear you," Laufey granted.

"Actually, Gaea will tell you. It is her plan," Loki said.

"Loki will conceal you and a handful of your soldiers, lead you into his chambers, and let you slay him where he lies. Loki will keep the throne, and you will have the Casket," Gaea explained. 

"Why would you do this?" Laufey asked.

"I've gone through something no woman should ever go through. I no longer enjoy the things I used to enjoy. It will be easier on my part if Loki is to rule Asgard and I stand by his side," Gaea explained.

"This is a great day for Jotunheim. Asgard is finally ours," Laufey marveled.

"No. Asgard is mine," Loki corrected. "The rest of the Nine Realms will be yours, if you do as you're told."

Laufey considered the proposition. "I accept."

Gaea took Loki's arm and they turned to leave. Gaea had a smile on her face, but Loki was unnerved.

[05/18/2019: hello, thank you for reading! That is the end of this story! If you are confused, then let me explain. Gaea is basically the new Loki, so I didn't continue with the story because it would essentially follow the rest of the Thor movie, but with Gaea doing most of the heinous deeds Loki does in the movies. Loki still wants the throne, but not as much because he cares more for Gaea's sanity. As you can see, she slightly went off the rails.]

TWO SIDES OF A MIRROR. ❪ Loki Laufeyson ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now