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Maurice had given Gaea a stern talking-to for an hour or more, then he eventually went back to his own home, grumbling to himself. When Gaea woke up in the morning, she wasn't feeling very sick just yet, but she felt queasy. She didn't want to eat anything, but she was content with drinking tea while staring out her window.

When Loki suddenly fell through a portal and into the flower field outside her cottage, Gaea perked up and rushed outside to greet him.

"I've never seen that trick before," she commented. "Is it new or have you been holding out on me?"

"I'm King," he replied.


"I'm King," he repeated.

"What of Thor and your father?"

"He's not my father!" Loki shouted. "He's not... He's never been my father."

Gaea swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth from being too nervous.

"Why don't you come in? Unless you're too busy with your royal duties," she stated.

He nodded and followed her into her cottage. She prepared a cup of tea for him and sat down at the dining table. He did the same.

"You don't have to explain anything to me," she whispered, causing him to look at her. "I'm not expecting anything from you."

"But you want to know," he stated. "I can tell. You're very easy to read."

She chuckled. "Yes, I'm aware. I don't have anything to..."

Hide. But she was lying - to an extent. She was frightened to tell him, but she knew she would have to eventually tell him. She couldn't keep it from him, especially after the outburst he just had in front of her cottage.

"Prince - Sorry, King Loki, may I tell you something?"

He nodded. "Yes, you may."

"I'm pregnant," she whispered. "And you're the father."

TWO SIDES OF A MIRROR. ❪ Loki Laufeyson ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now