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Loki had a plan. He wanted to rule Asgard without Thor in the way. He wanted to prove Odin wrong and prove his worth, but Gaea ruined that. He had always wanted the throne, but he would have never cast Thor out if he didn't know of his true bloodline.

He never had the chance to know his true father, but now he had the chance to be the great father he always wanted to have. He was completely torn, his mind divided into two sides. When he looked in the mirror, he saw someone else. He no longer knew who he was.

Two Einherjar guards entered the throne room, admitting Sif and the Warriors Three, who burst through the entrance with their heads bowed and eyes glued to the floor.

"Allfather, we must speak with you," Sif announced.

But as they raised their heads, they stopped in shock to see Loki sitting upon his father's throne. He wore his horned ceremonial headdress and held Gungnir in his hand.

"What is this?" Volstagg asked.

"My friends... You haven't heard? I am now Ruler of Asgard," Loki announced.

"Where is Odin?" Fandral asked.

"Father's fallen into the Odinsleep. My mother fears he may never awaken again."

"We would like to speak with her," Sif said.

Loki was growing bored and tired. He didn't want to converse with them anymore.

"We would ask you to end Thor's banishment," Sif requested.

Loki froze. He was officially sick of being the king. If sitting on a throne and listening to people talk was all he was supposed to do, he didn't want the throne anymore. He wanted to rule, not sit there and gain weight as everyone else went into battles.

"My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last," he retorted. "We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people must have a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult times. Now, I'm tired. I will return to my chambers. Guards, please excuse Sif and the Warriors Three out."

TWO SIDES OF A MIRROR. ❪ Loki Laufeyson ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now