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Gaea looked away for a mere second and Loki had disappeared. At first, she found it worrisome, but then she knew she could keep looking at the pretty flowers. It was wrong to be wandering around without Loki, but she just had to do it.

She walked back into the garden and began sniffing the flowers. She didn't want to grow her own flowers there because she thought it was disrespectful. She enjoyed all sorts of plants - even poisonous ones.

Suddenly, a snake slithered out from one of the flower bushes. Gaea crouched down, knees tucked into her chest, and she stuck her hand out.

"Hello there. Do you have a family?"

The snake hissed gently as a way to talk to her. She tilted her head to the side.

"Peculiar," she quietly muttered.

She could usually understand animals and reptiles alike, but that particular snake was not speaking, yet it could still hiss.

"Loki, is that you?" she asked.

The snake said nothing. Instead, it slithered up her arm. It gently wrapped itself around her neck, creating what seemed like a realistic necklace.

"Oh - is that a snake?" Thor asked from behind.

Suddenly, the snake was uncoiled from Gaea's neck. She turned around and immediately stood up once she saw it was Thor who had asked that.

She curtsied. "Prince Thor."

Thor nodded. "This is quite a beautiful snake."

The snake abruptly transformed into Loki. Thor groaned as Loki inserted a dagger into his abdomen.

"Hello, brother, lovely day, isn't it?" Loki asked, sharply pulling the dagger out.

Thor groaned again, doubling over. "Good one, brother," he gasped.

Gaea was absolutely mortified.

[05/01/2019: I know the scene of Loki stabbing Thor was from when they were eight, but I still think it's funny as adults ]

TWO SIDES OF A MIRROR. ❪ Loki Laufeyson ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now