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Bilbo Baggins had invited you to his home for a gathering with some unusual guests that he had a adventure with . You said yes to come and meet them beacuse you had heard him talking a lot about them and you were courios on how they looked like, and you aslo  found his hobbit hole cozy and warm. After some time you reached his house and knocked on his door. After some minuts someone finaly opend the door and you suddentley noticed that it was'nt you're friend Bilbo that had opend the door but a hansome drawf looking man with brown big eyes and long brown braided hair. 

You began to blush when he crooked an eyebrow and you saw his lips moveing telling you that he said something. You snapped out of it and said " Huh? Im sorry what were you saying?" Then he made  a light chuckle and it was like music to you're ears. He said " Hi, what can I help you with ? Oh you're looking for Mr Baggins ? come in And where is my manners.. My name is Kili .. Nephew of Thorin Oakenshiled.  Whats you're name fair maiden? " 

You began to blush more at the word maiden and again  you had lost you're thought and speach  beacuse you kept starring at Kili with a sparkely glint in you're ( what ever your'e eyecolerd eyes is) and blushed more and tried to shake the thought out of you're mind and answered his question just then Bilbo arrived and said " Ahh,  _____ ( youre name) so good to see you again .. I see that you have met Kili already". Bilbo said with a small smile since he saw how you were eyeing Kili with you're eyes and beacuse on how you blushed when he metioned Kili's name. He instaly knew that you had fallen for the browen eyed drawf . And he had the suspision that Kili also liked you too.

After some time he introduced you to the other drawfs he had met in the adventrue he has on. They all looked nice and interesting in their own diffirent ways. You also meet Kili's brother Fili and you found him also good looking but not as much as Kili you thought. Then after some time to get the fun going Bilbo suddently said " Hey, I have an idea what if we had a game called spin the bottle?". Your'e eyes widen since you knew that game and had played it sometimes before ( if you havent then pretend) and that you had an slightly  idea that he knew you liked Kili and tried  to set you up as a copule. He smirked when the drawfs after some dissusion said yes . You quckliy swallowed some spit that suddently had come up youre throat . 

when it was you're turn the bottle stoped on Kili and the other snickerd since they had caught up on that you liked the youngest heir of the Durin kin. Kili smiled sweetly and took you're hand and took you too the small closet in the living room. He opend the door for you and said " Well laides first"  and bowed down. You smiled and said a small thank you and laughfed at his silliness. He blushed when he heard you're laughfter ring out inside the closet . And he went in after you closeing the door. 

The closet was'nt really huge so it was a bit hard to find a place too sit down and that it was dark in there too. You schuffeld to find a place too sit when you're hand met a hard and solid chest. Kili blushed at the contatct and helped you sit down. And since it was'nt that spacey in the closet you had too sit on Kili's lap. You began to blush very hard at that but he paid no mind to it and smiled back at you. 

Then there was a long selince until Kili said " ____, I have heard alot about you from Bilbo during our adventrue and he said that you were beautiful and he had right, .. * major blush on his face is seen* what Im trying to say is that .. You are very beautiful and that I was wondering if I could prehaps kiss you if you don't mind. Beacuse I think I like you".  You blushed a lot when he said that and its like you forgot how to speak and then something happend within you and you leanded towards Kili and kissed him on the lips smileing after you broke the short kiss.

He looked shocked ,then he smiled and blushed agian and stutterd out " C.. could I m.. mabye get one more kiss?" .. You nodded and pecked his lips more. Smiling in the kiss and then suddently the door opend and Bilbo said " Hmm,  Kili & ____ got hooked up together just as I sceretly hoped would happen.. ^^ The other drawfs cheerd for them both even his uncle Thorin had a smile on his face looking proud of his youngest nephew.  

Some years later you & Kili got married and had child\ children depending on how many the reader wants.

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