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|Hyemi's POV|

'Park Enterprises'
My laptop screen lit up, notifying an email. My heart started beating faster as I let out a shaky breath.
"Go for it" Mia, my roommate encouraged as her eyes gave me that tad bit of hope. I sighed and nodded. I clicked on the mail with shaky hands.

'Dear Hyemi,

       We had gone through your resume and bio data that you had presented for the post of a Personal Assistant for Mr.Park. We Must say that you have a remarkable experience and qualifications. But after careful consideration, I regret to inform that we are unable to accept your request for that post. We'll surely let you know if there's an availability of any other post, shortly.

Park enterprises'

I sighed and closed my laptop in frustration. That was the 5th time I got rejected in just 2 months.
"This is just so unfair" I fell flat on my bed. I heard Mia sigh.
" I'm sure you'll get a job bby"
"Yeah sure" I covered my face with a pillow. I felt the bed shift and a hand grabbing the pillow off my face.
"Let's atleast try and keep our present job in hands shall we?" She twisted her face.
I quickly turned on my phone to see the time
9:43am, it read
"So shit I'm so screwed" I pushed myself up and ran to the closet, grabbing the first clothing I could reach.

"Bye Mia!" I yelled before grabbing my bag, making my way out.
"Come home right away, we're going out for dinner" my roommate cheered making me smile as I dashed out of the door.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping for myself to slip in before anyone could notice. I reached the door and took a deep breath in before getting inside. The cafe was empty with only my coworkers arranging the tables, getting ready for a new day of bustling business. I kept my bag in the lockers we were provided with and wore my apron, 'Ecstasy' written in red.

I made my way to the counter.
"You sure manage to make it in time huh?" Sungjae commented
I chuckled
"I do " I said, nodding
"Wanna grab dinner tonight sexy?" He leaned on the counter and winked at me, making me laugh.
"Nah I'm booked already " I said, smiling back at him.
"Wanna join handsome" I winked, knowing that he had a thing for her.
"Can I?"
"You may your highness" I turned to the cash counter, waiting for some one to come and out day to start.
"Kay then my treat" he said and I nodded

And the day had started, a whole day of work and pressure. I had comfortably taking the morning shift with Sungjae and was planning to leave by 1pm. The clock striked 12 and that's when I had sat down in my chair, the first time since the morning. I tapped my fingers on the counter waiting for this one person to arrive.

"Waiting for him?" Sungjae asked making a cup of iced latte. I nodded and sighed, resting my head on my hands. Just then I heard the bells jingled, indicating a customer. I snapped my head to see him smiling and walking towards me.

"You're late" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Missed me" he flashed his gummy smile before ruffling my hair.
"Who in the world said that?" I cocked up an eyebrow
"Yeah she totally was ranting about you being late" Sungjae added and shook his head sarcastically
"I'm sorry baby, had some work in the studio" he caressed my cheek making me go all soft in a second. I smiled.
"So what would like to order sir?"
"Sir... hmmm.... I like it" he smirked
I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Okay okay, the regular " he chuckled, leaning his arms in front of me.
"Okay" I replied, getting up to make his caramel frappuccino. He walked across the cafe sitting at his usual table. No one sat there, like they knew he'd come. I grabbed his drink and walked upto him, giving him his drink before sitting across him.
"So how's hani unnie?" I enquired about his girlfriend. Hard to believe but true.
"She misses you baby, it's been more than a week since you visited" he took a sip of his drink.

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