Chapter 3 - Is This It

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A/N: The first half of this chapter focuses more on Aleks and here I explain why he is so protective over Clem and Morgan. The flashback is in italics.

Over the next week, Clem found herself thinking about Julian more often. There was something about this rebellious, grungy teenager she couldn't get over. She knew it would take some fighting to convince her parents to like him, and she would certainly have a hard time bringing him into her small circle of friends. She began thinking she judged him too soon, just like Aleks did on the first day which was something she criticized him on.

For the next week, they were nothing more than acquaintances who said hi as they passed each other in the hallway. Aleks sort of simmered down, loosening his apprehension maybe? He seemed harsh, but his intentions are good. He still wanted to protect Clem and Morgan at all costs - after all, they meant so much to him.

Aleks lost his father and older sister, Andrew and Natalya Harrington, in a car accident in November of 1985 when he was eight years old. Their passings were hard on his mother, but not nearly as hard as it was on him. He admired his father with the utmost respect and Natalya was his best friend growing up. As the only male left in the home, Aleks felt that it was his job to protect his mother.

About ten months after Andrew's passing, which happened less than a year after their move from Waterford, Michigan, Aleks' mother Claudia began dating again. He was furious at the thought of his dad being replaced, but he had no say over the matter. The first man Claudia began seriously dating, in September of 1986, had a history of alcohol abuse. His name was Patrick Martin, a recent divorcé she met in the supermarket. He often took his anger out on then nine-year-old Aleks, who was his unwilling subject.

Claudia finally saw the signs of her boyfriend's attacks on her son after Aleks' behavior changed. Before, he was a vibrant, playful child, but now he lost the "sparkle" he used to have. Bruises that weren't there before showed up; at first she reasoned that they were from him being an adventurous child, but when more appeared she put the pieces together.

Finally, she confronted him in his room one night in May of 1987, nine months after she began seeing Patrick, about what was going on. "Aleksander? Do you need to talk?"

Aleks stared blankly at the ceiling throwing a basketball in the air. Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" played on the stereo his dad got him for his eighth birthday, the last birthday present he ever got from him. He turned his head to the door of his bedroom as his mom cracked it open and peeked through. "About what, mom?"

"Aleks, is something going on with you and Patrick?"

He sat up silently. She could see the hurt in his eyes. "H-how do you know that?" His voice started shaking as tears streamed down his face. "I can't... say anything, mom."

"Why not, Aleksander? You can tell me anything." She sat down on his bed with him and brushed back his dark, curly hair.

"No, I can't, mom. I'm afraid of him. Patrick said if I told anyone he was going to hurt you."

"Aleks, please tell me what. I know you're scared of him, but I'm scared for you. I lost Natalya, I'm not going to lose you."

He then went into detail about the events of the last nine months, starting from the first incident.

Patrick came to Aleks and Claudia's house one night in October. He and Claudia were going out for the night and he smelled of whiskey. The neighbor's daughter was going to come over and watch Aleks. Claudia was in the shower and Aleks was watching the TV in the living room. He heard a loud banging on the door and went over to answer it. He was told to look out for him to come at any time.

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