Chapter 15 - 12:51

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Morgan, Clem, and Julian were resting after setting up the decorations. At 1 PM, when the show was over, they were going to finish the last bit of the decorating. However, at 12:51, the program switched from Full House to breaking local news.

"We interrupt this program for breaking news from the community of Purchase. At 12:42 PM today, a two-car accident occurred at the intersection of Purchase Street and Anderson Hill Road. Highway Patrol authorities say that 17-year-old Aleksander Harrington of Harrison, the sole casualty of the accident, has been rushed to Westchester County Hospital in White Plains in critical but stable condition."

The trio's hearts dropped as they saw their friend's name on the breaking news. Images of the wreckage were plastered on the scene. Aleks' car was struck on his side by a driver who ran a red light as he was crossing the intersection.

Morgan and Clem were inconsolable at the thought of losing Aleks. He had been through way too much in his life. He didn't deserve to have it all end like this. They saw the images of the wreck, how could he possibly survive that? Julian was caught in the middle of the two hysterical girls, so he pulled them in and let them cry on his shoulder.

"He," Clem sniffled. "H-he can't go! Claudia can't lose another child!"

"Shh, it'll be okay, Clemmie," Julian consoled. "They said he's stable. He'll be okay."

"We... we have to go see him," Morgan said. "We have to."

"What about your party?" Julian asked.

"What about it? I'll just tell my parents to put it off until tomorrow. Right now, Aleks is more important."

Morgan went and told her parents about Aleks' accident, and they pushed the party back to the next day. Julian offered to drive the girls to the hospital in White Plains because they were too hysterical to do it themselves. Once they got there, the nurse took them to the upstairs waiting room where Claudia and Vincent were waiting as well. He was in surgery and all they had to do was wait for him to get out.

Claudia cried hysterically as she hugged Clem and Morgan. It sounded like she was speaking Russian.

"It'll be okay, Mrs. Claudia. Aleks is a fighter, he's not going down this easily," they consoled together.

"I can't lose my Mishka," she said in between sobs. "Not him too."

Clem and Morgan hadn't heard the nickname Mishka in almost ten years. They only hugged her tighter as she began mumbling in Russian again. Then she lifted her head and looked at Clem.

"I'm glad you came, Clementine."

"Why wouldn't I? I care about Aleks even though we're... not talking as much anymore."

The trio sat down with Claudia and waited for Aleks to get out of surgery. Julian took Clem by the hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb to soothe her. They were there until 6 in the evening, after Clem and Morgan slept for a few hours in the waiting room, until his doctor came out.

"Everything's okay, Mr. and Mrs. Folland. We just finished surgery and he's resting now. He had three broken ribs, a lower spinal injury, and a small hip displacement. He also sustained a concussion from the impact. He'll need a month's worth of physical therapy to get back to normal, but once that period is over he will be better than ever. You have a fortunate son. If the driver hit him three inches closer than where he was, this would have had a much different outcome."

Claudia had a sigh of relief and tears in her eyes as she heard the verdict. Aleks was going to be okay, but that day they came so close to losing him.  Claudia and Vincent went in first to see him, leaving Clem, Morgan, and Julian in the waiting room.

Clem cried into Julian's jacket sleeve as they waited. She just realized how precious Aleks was to her. One moment almost took all of her chances of speaking to him again. No matter how much they fought that day, no matter how many bitter words they exchanged, she would always be there for him.

Claudia and Vincent came out, and Morgan let Clem and Julian go in first. They needed to see him more. Clem broke down when she walked into the room. She'd never seen Aleks so... broken. He had machines and tubes attached to him and bruises all over his skin. He looked like he was in another world.

He looked over and his face lit up when he saw Clem and Julian. He had no idea they would be there. "Clem," he whispered weakly.

"Yes, Aleks?" she answered softly as she rushed to his side.

"I... I'm so sorry, Clem. I never should have yelled at you like that. It was your business, not mine. And to you, Julian, I know you never meant to hurt Clem. I wasn't thinking straight. Will you two forgive me? I just want things to return to the way they were."

"Yes, Aleks. We forgive you. I missed you so much, and today made me realize that. Remember that we'll always be here for you."

He smiled weakly. "You're a good friend, Clem." Clem leaned down and hugged him lightly, trying not to hurt him too much. Then Julian came and did the same. Aleks whispered in his ear, "Thank you for taking care of her for me. You know, I'd rather have you dating her than anyone else at school."

"Aww, thanks, Al. I'm just doing my job."

Aleks did a weak half-smile. "You two were made for each other."

Julian's face lit up as he turned to look at Clem. "Yeah, she's pretty amazing."

The look they exchanged was more sincere than anything Aleks had ever seen before. Clem was truly happy with him, and he could see that. All that mattered was that he had all of his friends back.

Morgan came in and the four sat and chatted. Aleks was unable to laugh too much because of his rib injury, but things were returning back to normal.To think, it took a life-altering event for them to realize it.

A/N: I promise that the darkest part of the story is over! I wasn't expecting them to come back together so soon, and this dramatically, but I realized it was either have it now or wait until the end. Either way, I hope you guys still enjoy reading it! I know I've enjoyed writing it.

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