Chapter 19 - The End Has No End

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A/N: Sorry this is later than usual. Curse you, writer's block! Anyway, the end to Part 2, woot!

Prom night lasted late into the evening. The friends danced to every song celebrating their last night out together. Aleks slipped away to the side, but he didn't get far.

"Aleks!" Clem shouted. They were halfway through their Junior Prom night and Aleks was already nodding to sleep. "Wake up! This night isn't over!" The group migrated to where Aleks was sitting.

"Guys!" he whined. "I've been on my feet all night. Can I sit for a few minutes?"

"Aleks, you look like you could fall asleep at any moment. Get up, let's keep moving!" Clem was so enthusiastic about keeping their last group outing going.

After their insistence, Aleks got up and continued to dance. He hadn't danced this much since Homecoming. In fact, none of them had. Less than half an hour later, they were all sitting together.

Before the end of the night, the DJ played another slow song, much like the one at Homecoming. This time, it was "Faithfully" by Journey. Not only were Julian and Clem dancing, but Aleks with Bianca and Morgan with Svante. The guys all stood up and took their girls by the hands, leading them to the dance floor.

Clem buried her head in Julian's shoulder again, smiling from ear to ear. "Well, this looks familiar," she joked.

"My favorite sight: your head on my shoulder. I wouldn't have had this night go any better. Clem, can I confess something?"

"Confess away, Jules."

"When I saw you in your dress for the first time today, I was blown away. I thought, 'Wow, how did I get lucky with a girl like that?'. I don't want to rush anything, but I'm looking forward to the day I can, hopefully, see you in a wedding dress. I will do all that I have to do to make you happy, because I want to be that lucky."

Was Clem really hearing this? Julian had said some pretty sappy, romantic things in the past, but he was talking about a wedding? Julian was really a keeper.

They kissed, then looked over at their friends who were doing the same. It was kind of expected to see Aleks and Bianca kissing because they were a couple, but what about Morgan and Svante? Why were they kissing?

It turned out they did become a couple, having known each other for a few weeks and making it official that night. It looked like Clem and Julian weren't the only ones who had a happily ever after.

Finally, it was the end of the friends' junior year of high school. It was filled with laughter, tears, fighting, reminiscing, and reunions. The trio endured an unforgettable year of memories, and finally they were going to be seniors in high school.

For Clem, the upcoming weeks were going to be filled with new sights and sounds. She and Julian reached their goal of C+ or higher, and now they were getting ready for their big trip.

Clem sat in her room with Aleks and Morgan the night before they were scheduled to leave. They were going up the New England coast first before heading west. For now, the trio sat and discussed the past, as if Clem and Julian were never going to return.

"Clem, by the way, we have a present for you," Aleks said as he pulled a wrapped box from behind him.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Just open it." She unwrapped the paper carefully and pulled out a box with a Polaroid camera and film. "We want to see pictures when you guys get back."

Clem smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks, guys." She got up and went to hug them, the first of many hugs before she left. "I'm going to miss you guys."

She started to tear up but Morgan caught her. "Clementine, listen to me, missy. Don't cry over us. We'll be right here when you get back, and it'll go by faster than you think. Don't miss out on this opportunity becuase of us, okay?"

"Okay. Don't let Harrison change too much while I'm gone."

"We promise. Pinky swear?"

Clem smiled and teared up at their lifelong tradition when they made promises. "Pinky swears are forever." It was just like a scene out of a mushy, parting movie, and Clem loved it. She loved her friends and couldn't wait to show them the pictures she was going to take.

The next morning, Clem, with Morgan and Aleks' help, grabbed what was left of her luggage and hauled it downstairs. It was 9:30 and Julian was coming at around 10. Marlene packed a few snacks for the road and was taking Clem's leaving the hardest.

"Please be careful out there, Clementine. There is a big, frightening world out there, but enjoy every moment of it. I know Julian will take good care of you."

"Thanks, mom. I know he will too." Clem sat and spent her last few moments in Harrison with her family and friends. At exactly 10, Julian's van rolled in front of her house, and then the water works started.

Clem hauled her luggage into the back of Julian's van and had a hard time saying goodbye. Ever since they made the plans, she thought of how she was going to do, but now it was a reality. She was actually leaving the only town she'd ever really known. It was going to be her and the guy she loved alone for two months. A great big world was waiting for her, and she was waiting to see it.

While she was saying goodbye to her family, Aleks and Morgan talked to Julian.

"Well, this is it," Morgan said in an enthusiastic-sad way.

"Yeah, for now. I promise I'll bring her back in one piece."

Aleks smiled. "I really hope so. You know, I'll be honest, Julain. I didn't like you much at first, but over time I grew to trust you, especially once I realized that you and Clem were perfect for each other. There's no doubt in my mind that you will protect her."

"Wow, thanks Al. I'm glad that I finally gained your trust. That means a lot to me."

"No problem, Jules." The guys fist-bumped then pulled each other in for a big hug. He did the same to Morgan, and he and Clem switched places. Once all the goodbyes were said, Clem and Julian crawled in the van to go.

"Goodbye, Harrison!" Clem shouted out of her window. "See you in August!"

Julian laughed at her enthusiasm, then cranked up the van and drove off, heading to Stamford, Connecticut.

The sleepy village of Harrison faded in the rear-view mirror, and a life-changing adventure awaited in front of them.

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