hanging out before the concert

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the gang were getting ready. tuning their instruments and shit.

ace looks up from his bass and looks over at 2D. 2D was checking his tunes, but he was saving his voice for the show.

ace bit his bottom lip in submission. he tapped 2Ds shoulder. the blue man looks over at him "hey stewart... can i talk to you about something for a second? it has something to do with the concert tonight" ace lied "uhh sure"

murdoc glared as they walked out into the hallway, not trusting any of this. he went to go follow them but noodle stopped him "hey old man. i dropped my stupid phone in my guitar, help me out" russel chuckles while murdoc grunts "why did you put your phone in there in the first place?" "i left my guitar facing upwards on my lap while i grabbed my phone, it slipped out of my hand and somehow went right through the strings" noodle said feeling pretty dumb "ugh fine"

meanwhile with 2D and ace~

ace and 2D walked far enough down the hallway so that no one would hear or see them, right next to an abandoned bathroom that NO ONE goes near. when they finally stopped ace turns to 2D with a huge smirk while biting his lip "so uh... what do you need to tell m-MPH"

ace smashes his lips on the taller mans lips. aces hands travel to 2Ds shoulder. 2D started to ease down a little. he kissed back. 2Ds hands slid their way to aces waist, feeling every curve with the touch. their tungs danced together. they both moan.

after a little while they pulled away from the kiss, a long string of saliva following with it until it eventually breaks off. they stood there breathlessly for a few moments. "s-so~ heard that this washroom is supposedly haunted~ no one comes here~ it's just you and me... why don't we have a little fun before we go on stage?~" "should we get mur-" "no fuck murdoc! lets just do it~ the two of us~"

ace started to leave kisses on the side of 2Ds neck while aces other hand was on the other side of the neck "w-well... sure" ace smiled at this excitedly.

"that's a good boy~" ace takes 2Ds hand and they entered the washroom "cmon~ now fuck me~"

back with murdoc, noodle and russ~

'where are they? they're taking forever' murdoc thinks to himself

"wow they're having quite i long conversations" noodle mumbles "yah... too long" murdoc said looking at the door where ace and 2D left from.

"fuck it... i'm gonna find them" murdoc said getting up from the couch. "good luck pickle man" russ called spinning his drum stick on his finger. murdoc flipped him off as he walked out the door.


murdoc has been strolling down the hallway for a while, and no sign of ace or 2D. murdoc was honestly getting a little worried, not about ace but about 2D, who knows what they're doing right now.

finally murdoc walked into a hallway that no ones entered before. he hears... moans... "that's strange... those sound like... ace and...

with ace and 2D~

ace and 2D came. they breath heavily, ace is leaning over the toilet with his ass in the air with 2Ds cock resting inside him, cum dripping out of his ass and dick.

2D pulled out and zipped his pants back up while ace pulled up his own pants.

they walked out of the stall and are immediately met with a pissed off murdoc. 2D jumped back in fear while ace stood his ground "you sneaky fucker" murdoc said through clenched teeth, with a huge hint of anger "fight me" ace said in a cocky tone, putting his fists up. "l-listen murdoc... we-"

just before 2D could finish his sentence murdoc lunges at ace, tackling him to the floor. punches, insults, and kicking were everywhere.

2D was trying his best to try and pull them away from eachother, yelling at both of them to calm down.

apparently their yelling was so loud that it alarmed some of the security and noodle and russ.

some of the security made 2D stay back while the other security guard held murdoc back, while russ lifts ace up with ease.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! DOING THIS BEHIND MY BACK?! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS!" "WHAT DOES IT MATTER?! YOU TWO ARNT EVEN DATING!" "OI! calm down! both of you!" 2D shouts "stay out of this Dee!" russ snapped "I'm fucking part of this situation russ!" 2D snapped back, trying to get out of the security guys trap. noodle stood outside the doorway watching all this happen, she would have gone in but it was a guys washroom.

murdoc sighed and stopped struggling against the security guard, ace stopped struggling to. "whatever... lets just go" murdoc mumbles getting out of the security's arms and shoved his way out the door.

2D scratched the back of his head nervously. he has no idea what to do now. all he knows right now is that a shows about to start, and he has to pull himself together. even through he feels like shit

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