the morning after

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the remaining night the three men fell  asleep all together, ace and murdoc slept on either side of 2D. ace on the right and murdoc on the left. 2D woke up with a jolt, he flutter his eyes open and felt a weight on him. he looks down to see ace and murdoc. everything from last night came back to him as he smirks to himself, he liked the idea of having them both wanting him. ace and murdoc both woke up both looking at eachother then looked up at 2D and smiled. 2D smiles back and said "Well, that was fun... how about we get some food in us?" "Sounds like a plan" ace said as he nodded in agreement. murdoc also nodded in agreement. the three got up and got into their usual clothes from yesterday, after 2D got his clothes on he watched ace and murdoc put their remaining clothes on, murdoc saw he was looking and said while pulling his pants up "Like the sights D?~" ace turned around and giggled. "Probably~" ace and murdoc laughed and the three boys headed off out the room not before 2D slapped both of their asses surprising them, they looked back at 2D as he rapped his arms around both their waists and said "sorry couldn't help it" "Hey we didn't say you couldn't~" ace said as he snuggled into 2D, to be honest it DID make murdoc a little jealous but he realized that he could do the same, so he did.

The three boys headed downstairs all together, 2D let go of their waists just before they went into the kitchen. there they were met with russ and noodle, russ was making everyone's breakfast while noodle was texting someone. noodle looked up from her phone and smiled at the men, "Hey guys! just confused, uh did you hear some strange noises last night? they kept us up late?" the three boys looked at eachother in shock and embarrassment. 2D was the first one to speak "actually i did, must have been a pipe in the walls?" 2D said trying to make an excuse, "O-Oh yah probably!" murdoc said trying not to sound obvious while ace just nodded his head. then russ spoke up "Well let's forget about it and eat some breakfast, i made scrambled eggs and bacon"


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